(DB/ Quaddrive) Guardian Devil Shu Kurenai x Guardian Angel Reader

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Requested: KangMinae6 (by myself XD)

I don't know what to do, just make a story in here and this is Heaven and Hell AU.

Type of this story:
(💞 + 😇 + 😈)

Now, onto the story!!


(Author's POV)

In which, a guardian angel of heaven was guard the heaven while checking the list about humans' life after their last life.

While guardian devil of hell was a guard of hell and 'he' was also checking the human's life was good or bad.

If good means goes to heavens, but if their life was do something bad and sinful, the guardian of hell send them to the hell.

That's how they work as guardians of heaven and hell were. For guardian angel, she somehow can gave human a chance to live baack if they had unfinish business on their life.

For guardian devil of hell will punish humans and burn their dead soul into the hot lava into ashes for do something life cruelly.

People who was cruel on their life deserve live in hell while people who live in peacful and yet suffered much on their life deserve live in paradise.

Introduction, a guardian angel of Heaven was (Y/N) while a guardian devil of Hell was Shu Kurenai.

Let's how's these two doing with human's result after the end of their life.
(No one POV)

A female guardian angel was standing with a soft smile behind the gate of heaven while a male guardian devil standing with arms crossed with a blank look.

"So, little angel. How's the result of those humans' lives?" The devil asked to the angel with a sharp stares. You keep a soft stared to him as smile went down.

"It's........worse than before. These humans were doing something illegally, sins and many cruel things at this planet. I also found many humans suicade because they can't stay live anymore and end their painful life."

You said with a frown expression. A white-haired demon understand what you meant.

"I understood. I know these pathetic cruel humans never give some poor humans live in peaceful. Wars, money and selfishness." He makes a disgusts face. You somehow feel ache as you sighed.

Just then, a spirit human appeared in the air in here, the heaven or hell place. It was a female had bruises all over her body, but with her clothes. You stared at her with pity look.

"W-Where am I?" A teenage girl asked while looking around the white place. Shu was staring at spirit female with straight look.

"You're at 'Gate of Heavens and Gate of Hell'." Her eyes widened that she was in here.

"A-Am I dead?" She asked to you with curious look and fear if she do something wrong. You gave her a sad smile.

"Sadly yes. Let me see..." you checked a list about her life. "You were actually nice, kind and innocent. Didn't do anything wrong, except being abused by your stepparents and bullied by your classmates."

She nodded sadly because her life was painful and never been in peace.

"M-Maybe I-I'm here b-because of m-my stepparents had killed me and disgusted of me for not treat me as I was a stranger."

💖 Shu Kurenai x Reader One-Shot 💖 (Book 2) Where stories live. Discover now