Let Yourself Fall. { Chapter eight }

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Your POV

What? he's falling in-love with me? The past few minutes are just replaying in my head the news about my mom and my sister, what Harry just said and its just too much! Honestly I don't have time for love right now I wish I did though.

" Harry... I-I really don't know what to say "

" How do you feel?"

" You want the complete truth?"

" of course "

" somewhat the same way. its just too fast and there's too much going on and to be honest i'm afraid of falling in-love too. always have been and I don't know what to do"

" Let yourself fall "

" its not that easy "

" it can be"

" No it cant! I've had some rough relationships. I have a lot going on right now if you haven't noticed my mother lost all her memory, my sister is still in a coma and just... everything!" I said probably a little too loud.

" come on lets go for a walk and talk "

" fine"

" Okay, I know about your mom and sister I was outside the door when the Doctor was in there and I know its tough and I understand why you don't want to fall but I wont hurt you, I promise "

" you promised you wouldn't leave and you left. I don't trust promises "

" i'm so sorry but you know you can trust me "

" No I don't know that! I just met you I don't even know much about you!"

" i'm not trying to pressure you into this or make you want to I just want to be there for you "

" I know you do and I'm sorry for being so rude i'm just confused about everything right now everything is happening so fast "

" I know "

" can we just... take it slow?"

" we can do anything you want "

" thank you "

"no need to thank me but you're welcome'

Harry's POV

I'm not going to hurt her I swear I wont. I'll take this as slow as possible. as slow as she wants I don't mind. we went up to her sisters room and talked for a while she told me some funny family stories and such its nice getting to know her.

" She's actually a really big directioner "

" oh really? who's her favorite?"

" Louis she said she likes how he always jokes about stuff and makes light of every situation "

" well when she wakes up we'll have to get him to her "

" She will wake up... right?" she said and her voice cracked

" of course she will! Plus didn't the doctor say they were almost positive she would and that nothing wrong with her?"

" They said that about Michael too" and she broke and this was my cue to comfort her

" Hey, shh. he's in a better place now. She'll be fine okay " I said cupping her face and looking her into the eyes

" i'm scared "

" I know you are but everything will be fine "

" but-"

" no buts. everything is okay "

" I don't even know what i'm supposed to do about Michael "

" You don't have any other family?"

" no"

" your dad?"

" He- he was killed in the war when I was three "

" oh my God. i'm so sorry I wouldn't have asked if I knew"

" its fine I should've told you "

" Excuse me. sorry but visiting hours are over i'm gonna have to ask you to leave " a nurse said coming into the room wow its 9pm already? time sure flew by

" Oh okay" we said and walked out

" uh what are we supposed to do we both brought separate cars?" I asked

" i'll go in mine and go home and you go in yours and go to your house. simple "

" I don't really want to leave you "

" your going to have to eventually "

" not necessarily "

" Yes, necessarily. You have your life I have mine. go to your house we're not dating you cant just like live with me "

" still I don't want to leave you"

" i'll be fine. trust me"

" okay but call me if you need me I don't care what time just call "

" I will"

" text me when you get home"

" I will jeez like I said we're not dating you already act like my boyfriend" she laughed and I smiled

" Just preparing "

" Haha okay I really need to go. bye!" she said and kissed me on the cheek

" bye, love!" I said and walked to my car. I just hope she gets home safely.

Your POV 

 I really like him but I want to get to know him I mean I cant just meet him one day and date the next ya know? I just wish my life would just calm down for a while I cannot take much more its not humanly possible!

I got in my car and drove home it was that long since I only lived about 15 minutes away from the hospital so I got home safely and un-locked the door and saw Prim my little cat whom i'd forgotten about actually.  OH MY GOD  I HAVENT FED HER OR ANYTHING HOW IS SHE ALIVE? I thought but then I remembered I keep a refilling food & water bowl incase I ever forget theres always stuff for her. nice one Hailey almost kill your cat great!. Since I told Harry i'd text him I did

" Hey i'm home now. safe and sound going to bed now. xxx " He's driving so I didn't expect an answer so I went to my room and took a shower got in my PJ's and cuddled up in bed but I wasn't super exhausted so I grabbed my computer. and guess what was on the front page of Yahoo? 


wow. no not already! I decided to skip that article and go to twitter and stupidly I opened my interactions

Hater:" Ugh @TheHaileyTealman why would Harry be seen with you? you're too ugly for him!"

Hater:"  @TheHaileyTealman you touch Harry anymore i'm coming for you no joke"

and there were a lot more I couldn't even read it so I just shut my computer off

all this for being seen with him? what would they do if I went out with him? great more crap just great!



Yay somewhat longer chapter even though it sucks! what do you guys think like whats gonna happen? inbox me if you want I might tell you what I have coming up! leave feedback and vote and tweet it too pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! xxxx

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