I Will Wait. { Chapter Twenty-Two }

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TALK OF RAPE! Nothing detailed at all just some speaking of it almost happening.


{ Hailey’s POV }

” Maybe we could have a little fun since it was interrupted before ” Harry smirked in my ear

” Nice try, Styles but i’m tired ” I frowned

” Me too actually ” he said and kissed me

” You know… we don’t have to do it just because I want to. i’ll wait for whenever you’re ready ” He said looking into my eyes

” I know. I want to just… not tonight ” I said and kissed him on the lips. it’s not that I was just tired which I was i’m also afraid to do it… my last boyfriend almost raped me and ever since then I’ve been afraid of going too far with a guy. I know he wouldn’t ever hurt me like that but I still have this little fear in the back of my mind.

” Is something wrong? ” He asked

” no… why? “

” You just seem… off “


” Yeah, like something’s bothering you or something I don’t know you just don’t seem like yourself “

crap can he read my mind?!

” i’m fine just tired ” I smiled but deep down I really wanted to tell him what was really bothering me.. I don’t want to keep things from him but i’m afraid to tell him.

” Are you sure? “

” Positive! ” I said and grabbed some PJ’s to change into and walked into the bathroom

Do I tell him? Why does he need to know? What is he going to think? Should I wait a while?

all these questions rolled through my mind as I got dressed and brushed my teeth

What if he leaves me because I wont have sex with him? What if I totally screw up everything we just figured out?!

Another round of question rolled through my mind until I was snapped out of my thoughts by Harry knocking on the door

” Are you okay? You’ve been in there for 15 minutes “

have I really been in here that long?

” Um, no yeah… Yeah i’m fine ” I said and opened the door to see Harry blocking me from leaving

” No. there’s something wrong and we need to talk about it “

” Wh-what? There’s nothing wrong! “

” Just tell me! “

” Fine! I don’t want to have sex with you because I was almost raped a while ago and I’m still terrified. ” I said, extremely fast, covering my face.

” Baby… ” He whispered, pulling me into a hug.

” it’s stupid to be this upset over something like this. ” I said trying not to cry.

” it’s not stupid! It was a traumatic experience. “

” But, I didn’t even get raped! That’s traumatic! I was just close to being raped… “

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