Because i'm.... me{ Chapter twenty-one }

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{ Harry's POV }

" It's..." I started to say but was interrupted by my phone ringing

" hold on " I said and walked out of the room. I saw the caller ID and saw that it was my mother so of course I answered it

" Yes, Mum?"

" So when were you planning on bringing Hailey over to meet us?"

" When things calmed down "

" You're dating her aren't you?"

" Why?"

" Just wondering. but you are aren't you?"

" its complicated "

" Are you trying to keep this a secret from me? because if you are you're not doing a good job because its all over TV "

" I wasn't trying to keep a secret from you it is complicated. I am nineteen why are you doing this?"

" you may be nineteen but you're still my son i'd like to know who you're dating. also when were you going to tell me you got into a wreck?"

" Things have been hectic okay. And it wasn't really a wreck. I wasn't hurt"

" You could've died but i'd still have to find out through the TV!"

" Well, if I was dead I couldn't tell you anyways" I joked

" Now is not the time, Harold"

" You know I hate that name why do you continue to call me it?"

" I cant ground you therefore i'm going to do something you hate"

" Fair enough " I said just wanting to drop the conversation

" Anyways, on a lighter note: You seem to like Hailey"

" I do. a lot actually" I said smiling through the phone

" Well, that's good she seems like a lovely girl"

" She is "

" I will get to meet her right?"

" Yes, Mum. i'm delayed from tour for the next few days i'll talk to her and work out a time to come see you okay?"

" Okay! Gemma is visiting for the next few days too!"

" Oh great that means she will tell Hailey every single embarrassing thing that I have ever done in my whole entire life. i'm excited" I said sarcastically

" Oh, hush up it'll be fun!"

" whatever you say, Mum"

" Okay, well I have to go. Text me when you figure out what you're doing"

" Okay"

" I love you. bye"

" I love you too. bye" I said and hung up. I walked back upstairs to find that Hailey was no where to be found...

" Hailey?" I called thinking she might be in the bathroom or something. I got no reply

" Hailey?!" I called again I turned around and saw that the balcony door was open. I sighed in relief and walked outside.

" There you ar-" I started to say but found no Hailey. She couldn't have gone downstairs I was downstairs I would've seen her. Maybe she's in the guest room I thought. I walked to the guest bedroom and again didn't see her. I didn't even see MaKayla which was weird she should've been here too. why is everyone missing? I thought. I walked up to the game room and finally found everybody

Behind These Hazel Eyes. { A One Direction Fan-Fic }Where stories live. Discover now