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The little girl in her princess dress looked at herself..

Mum,Am I a princess?

Her mother laughed at the silly girl..

Again and again clinging to her mother's leg,she continued to ask .

Mum,tell me that I am a princess..

As her mother walked away,leaving her standing at the cross road,

She laughed at herself..

Again she had seeked love..

Again she had met them,forgetting everything ..

With only one wish..

To smile again..

To see them smile..

To see them bloom..

To see them sing and dance..

Yet who was she,what right did she have,

To ask for a share in those moments..

All she had was her torn white robe,and a black robe to hide at times..

Holding the bundle of love she walked..

Towards what,she dared not ask..

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