Stubborn heart

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You are too stubborn, egoistic..

Mind screamed..

Heart smiled and wiped the tears away..

Chains upon chains mind bound heart..

Hunger,weather,people,family, responsibility,age,gender,world..

Poured out torrents of water..

Some pleasant,some not..

Some in drizzle,some in torrents..

Tied in thousands of chains heart looked up..

Mind smiled mockingly..

Have you learnt your lesson,it asked..

You are nothing..

You should not exist..

You should die..

I would wipe you away..

Heart heard..

Then smilingly looked at mind..

I exist..

I am you..

You are a part of me..

It's just we both are too stubborn..

You to prove yourself right..

Me to let you be happy..

Because all I seek is love..

That is accompanied by smiles,that accepts tear,tears and also tears..

That embraces without judgement..

That stands up even in the hardest storm..

Falling down is not a matter to frown..

Giving up is..

And I am stubborn heart..

I never give up..

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