35. Exit Wounds.

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Jack's POV

I hated hospitals. This fact mainly had to do with the depressing atmosphere of the ER, and the disgustingly sterile smell of anesthetic. I wasn't sure how anyone could work here and not want to repeatedly stab their eyes out. I'd only been to the hospital twice in the past five years, and I had seen more than enough to last me the rest of my life in the way of gore and tragedy.

Maybe I really had this opinion because the only times I remember coming into a hospital was when my boyfriend's life was on the line. He was so going to get it when he woke up.

If he woke up.

He'd done a pretty good job on himself. One of the nurses had told me he had just barely missed his heart, and he would likely survive if, and only if, they could find out his blood type in time.

While they got him into surgery, I got busy making phone calls. I was allowed no privacy, due to the policewoman sitting next to me. At least I was in a better situation that my parents, who happened to be riding in the back of a squad car to the local police station at the moment. The fact that of the two children in their house, one was fighting for their life and the other was bruised and bloodied, didn't seem to go well with the sheriff.

Alex's parents were the first people I called, and his mom broke into tears when I let her know. The only other person I knew both of us would want here was Rian. He was a bit shell-shocked, but instantly agreed to coming down. Me, my adrenaline seemed to be wearing off, leaving me having a difficult time even staying upright in the stiff waiting room chair. Without realizing, I dozed off, my body leaning forward as if I were a rag doll who'd lost its stuffing. "Hey, kid! Wake up!" The officer grabbed my shoulder, trying to stop me from crashing to the ground.

I was alert in a second, flinching away from her. I didn't want to be touched by anyone, not right now. The only people I might make an exception for would be my siblings. "Don't!" The bark left my mouth before I could stop it, scaring us both. The people around us fixated on our display, obviously not caring about whatever we were going through. Or maybe they just wanted a break from their own problems. Humans had a way of throwing themselves into the drama of others in order to keep their own emotional turmoil at bay. Someone always had it worse, and it was nice to be reminded of that.

Currently, it seemed like I was at the bottom of the chain; this sad-looking, pathetic kid crying on the cold ER floor because someone touched me. Well, obviously not just because someone touched me, but to everyone else, that was probably what it looked like. This was just the cherry on top of the ice cream sundae from hell I'd been served. Thankfully, the officer stepped next to me, crouching down to my level and effectively shielding me from the mass. "Shoot, sorry, sir. What can I do to help you?" Her eyes were sincerely worried, and she exuberated a warmness most people didn't. She honestly wanted to help me, which was more than I could say for every other police officer I'd come into contact with, unfortunately.

"Please get me out of here." I gasped. I had no idea how she did it, but nearly no time passed before I found myself in an empty hospital room. I guess a badge really can get you anywhere. "Thank you so much." I said, still trying to even my breathing.

"Of course. I really do apologize, Mr...Barakat?" I mustered up the barest smile, indicating she had gotten it correct. "Please forgive me. Would you like me to have the nurses send back the people you called when they arrive?" I nodded, not wanting to be alone right now and also wanting to fill everyone in on what happened. "I'll just go let them know...will you be okay alone?"

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