14. Wild Ones.

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"Wake up Alex! I'm hungry!" Jack yelled in my ear Thanksgiving morning, scaring me out of my slumber. My eyes flew open to Jack's large, dark brown eyes, his lashes fluttering in the most adorable way.

Although, I couldn't really appreciate it considering he just scared the shit out of me. "Shit! What the hell, man?" I groaned while he laughed his head off.

"Sorry! If it's any consolation, you look absolutely adorable when you're scared." He joked, pulling me in for a hug. In the few days we'd been here, we established a morning routine. Jack was always up before me - despite always falling asleep after I was long gone - and he would wake me up in some crazy way in the mid hours of the afternoon. Today it was scaring me, but yesterday he pulled the old feather-shaving cream trick. Once I was wide awake, even if I was a little messy like I was yesterday, the first thing he would do was pull me in for a hug and kiss. I was beginning to see that Jack was a very affectionate person in relationships, but that was all too fine with me, considering I tended to be a very clingy person.

After that, we would scavenge for breakfast, usually settling with some kind of fruit from the hotel's lobby and a box of Cookie Crisp cereal Jack smuggled out of his house. Much like our meal, we kept it simple: sitting on the floor next to our bed while talking about whatever came to mind. I found myself thinking that I definitely wouldn't mind waking up like this every morning. I loved how, as I got more comfortable being around Jack, the less I worried about my eating habits, for some reason.

My favorite part of our little routine, however, was what came after breakfast. Once we cleaned up our meal and began to get ready for the day, somehow we always ended up on our bed. Whether it was Jack accidentally knocking me onto it then deciding it would be a good idea to follow suit, or if after my morning shower I would walk back into my room to find Jack lying down trying to catch a few more minutes of sleep, we got there in some way and spent some quality time together before truly starting our day.

Our "quality time" wasn't all hot and heavy. Sure, there were some very heated, very passionate makeout sessions, but mostly, it was laughs and giggles between long, intimate kisses that had just enough heat to make us want more, but not too much as to make it crude. Slowly, we learned each other's bodies. How the other's moved and what it liked. I never knew there was so much to do in that way without even removing a single article of clothing. Although our first night together was very fun and heavy, we didn't plan on going that far again for awhile, not wanting to rush to the main event. Instead, we took time like this to learn, something couples rarely seemed to do anymore.

"So," Jack started as we lay side-by-side, breathing heavily. "The hotel is having a sort of Thanksgiving dinner tonight. Everyone staying here is invited, and I was thinking that since we would probably just be having McDonald's or something otherwise, we would go there. They're gonna have a huge dinner, according to the lady at the front desk. What do you say?"

"Sure, if that's what you want." Honestly, I would have been content with staying in our room all day and finishing the box of Cookie Crisp, but if going to dinner with the twenty or so people staying here, plus the few staff, would make him happy, I would do it every night and love every second of it.

After our midday brunch, we found ourselves in the bed once again, unsurprisingly. We didn't to much other than lay in the comfortable silence, bathing in the afternoon sun beaming through our window and occasionally dozing. We were both still pretty wiped from our busy day yesterday.

Jack had dragged me down to the beach, insisting that we couldn't just not go. Clad in swimming shorts and jackets, we let our feet get covered by the icy November seawater - a decision that had me cursing Jack the second I made contact with it. Regardless, we stayed on the shore for hours, both of us finding the opportunity to have an entire beach essentially to ourselves too good to pass up, and I knew I couldn't just make Jack go back up to the room with me - although I knew he'd be more than willing to do it with me - and possibly lose the boy-like energy that consumed him with being on the beach and messing with me, splashing and throwing.

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