6. Crash.

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If a significantly amazing thing happens at the same time a significantly horrible thing happens, does that mean the said moment is averaged out or both amazing and horrible at the same time? In my experience, I'd say it's the latter, because there was positively nothing average about the spectacular miracle of Jack Barakat. Throughout the past two weeks, since the very first message I sent to him, nearly eighty percent of the thoughts I've had have been consumed by his two-toned hair and enthralling smile.

The other twenty percent of my thoughts, however, had not been as kind to me. A bald spot on the side of my head from repeated pulling and tugging had recently become evident. Not for the first time was I thankful that my school was one of the few that allowed their students to wear hats throughout the school day. Along with that, my forearms were paying as much as my hair was. They were so full of cuts, burns, and scratches that I would soon have to move to my thighs to cut. It seemed like I couldn't have even a moment of happiness without it being accompanied by ten moments of pain and sadness. I could never tell if that one moment was worth it, but even if it wasn't, I couldn't help but come back to it with no regrets.

A wad of paper hit the base of my neck, knocking me out of my thoughts of a certain brown-eyed boy. Turning around, I was met by the laughing faces of Mike and his two accomplices, Jaime and Tony. Mike's eyes had an evil glint in them. "Something wrong, Gaskarth?" He asked innocently, his smile half-crooked.

My eyes narrowed. "Not a thing, Fuentes." Today's third period class was the worst. Rian was absent, spending the day was Oli and Josh, helping them set up for the party that started tonight and surely wouldn't end until sometime tomorrow night. That left me alone with Mike, Jaime, Tony, and Vic. Vic and I had worked out some of our problems, but we still weren't on the best of terms.

"I'm just trying to look out for you, Alex. I want to make sure you're okay." He had said to me when I ran into him last week.

"R-Right, and I appreciate it, but I don't need you to look out for me."

"I understand, but it doesn't seem like anyone else is." I agreed with him there, but once again told him he didn't have to look out for me. To this, his disagreed.

"Look, Vic. Do whatever you want. Look out for me, ignore me; I don't really care. Just don't bring it up around me or anyone else. Ever."

"No promises."

That was the best arrangement we could work out. There was still tension between us, but it was nothing compared to what was there before.

Now, sitting in class, my eyes met Vic's as he looked suspiciously between Mike and myself. Don't worry about it, I mouthed to him sternly. He looked at us once more before pursing his lips in thought, nodding, and turning his attention back to the lecture we were currently supposed to be taking notes on. I watched Vic pull out his phone, something he never did in class, and type something into it before sliding it back into his front pocket. My phone went off not a minute later.

You coming to the party tonight?

Of course I am. They'll be alcohol. I responded. I saw Vic flinch as his phone went off and reach into his pocket to retrieve it. I swear I saw him roll his eyes before replying.

Be careful. Once I received the text, I sent a glare Vic's way. Seriously, he mouthed.

Vic, we talked about this. I don't want you on my ass.

Trust me, I don't want to be on your ass; that's what I have Kellin for ;) I choked back a surprised laugh, unable to keep it from fully escaping and capturing the attention of my other classmates and teacher, Ms. McDougall.

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