38. Head On Collision.

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 "Jack, seriously. You're staying with me, and neither I or my parents will let them anywhere near you." I knew what a big deal going home was to him, but his paranoia was the least of my parents' concerns. They wanted me home safe and in their care. "We've been here for three weeks; it's time to go home, baby." My head laid against the bathroom door - the bathroom Jack had locked himself inside the second I brought up returning to my house.

I could tell he was leaning against the door in a similar fashion to me. "I know I'm being irrational about this because they're in jail and May and Joe need me home and there's literally no reason for us to stay here anymore but I just can't stop thinking about them. I've been having nightmares, Alex." That didn't surprise me; over the past few days, he's been moving around more in his sleep. I wasn't going to bring it up unless he did.

"Babe, you've got so many people to help you. You have to let us, though. Come on, let's go home so I can prove it to you."

The door opened a crack and he looked out at me. "I'm already home, though. You're here."We looked at each other in silence before breaking down in laughter. "That has to be the cheesiest thing you've ever said to me."

"I agree." He gasped, opening the door the whole way.

"If that's true, though, your home will leave you if your ass doesn't get packed." I said, keeping my voice light even though I was serious.

He brushed past me and started throwing his clothes in his bag with no semblance of organization. "Fine. I won't like it, though, and you owe me, preferably in blow jobs."

I grinned. I knew he was only doing this for my sake, and if he could play along like he was happy, it was the least I could do to help him. "You got it."


When I texted my mom to let her know we were coming home, she told me to bring Jack by the Fuentes household, where May and Joe were staying for the time being. "Hey, can we run by Vic's place before we go to mine? I need something from him." I asked Jack as he pulled off the highway, trying to keep it a surprise.

"Okay?" There was an easygoing smile painted on his face; one I hadn't seen since everything started with his parents. His hand - the one not on the steering wheel - found its way to mine, resting in my lap. It sat on top of mine, but I made no move to grab it. If he suddenly needed to use it for something slightly more important, such as steering, I wouldn't want to incapacitate him.

They were waiting in front of the house when we arrived: May, Joe, and Vic. They were having some sort of conversation, but as soon as we started down the street, it ceased. I don't think I've ever seen anyone over the age of five look so excited to see their sibling, and Jack was having nearly the same reaction, the calm look he wore turning to one of excitement. He barely had the car in park before he was out of the car and running to them. I shook my head, laughing as I turned the key in the ignition for him as he pulled the two kids into his arms. Vic walked to me and we leaned on Jack's car while they had their little family reunion. "I have to talk to Jack, then." Vic whispered to me, trying not to attract attention. He didn't look at me as he elaborated. "May's been acting really strange. She barely leaves her room, and the only person that can communicate with her is Joe. My mom's worried that more happened than she's willing to say with her parents." The look on his face told me exactly what he thought happened to her, and I couldn't disagree with him. Jack would be devastated if what we thought proved true.

"May! Joesph! Victor! Dinner is ready!" Vic's mom shouted from the doorway. "Oh, Alex and Jack! Come in as well; I'll tell your parents you're staying for dinner!"

I looked at Jack, who shrugged back at me. I was in no hurry to return to whatever my parents had waiting for us, so I started walking to the door, May and Joe only steps behind me. I hadn't realized Jack and Vic were still stood by the car until I reached the door. The two youngest Barakats exchanged glances, but I just smiled and ushered them in, telling everyone Jack and Vic would be in momentarily.

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