17. Alone.

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Please don't let them get to you. Jack sent me the text just as Rian walked me to my first period, standing closer to me than could possibly be comfortable. We got weird looks the entire time we walked through the halls.

"Uh, Ri?" He looked away from the homework he forgot to do over the break. Seriously though, who gives homework over Thanksgiving break? "You think you could, uh, move over a little?"

Realizing how close he was to me, he immediately jumped aside. "Oh, sorry." He had been like this ever since he found out about Mike. When Jack left yesterday, Rian spent all of his time practically following me around the house like a lost puppy, asking if I was okay and if there was anything he could do for me. At first, I really appreciated that he was trying to watch over me like that, but by now it was more than a little annoying. I didn't want to say anything in case it would upset or anger him, but I could only deal with this for so long. I was used to spending the majority of my time alone, so this was something I was definitely not used to and had no plans to get used to.

I'll try. No promises. I replied as we stopped in front of my classroom. Rian was staring at me, almost like he was trying to read my mind. "What's up?" I raised my eyebrow.

Whatever trance he was in, he shook out of it and smiled at me. "Nothing. Sorry." I nodded hesitantly at him and gestured to my classroom. "Oh, I'll meet you out here and walk with you to second period."

I shook my head in disbelief. Both his first and second period were on the other side of the school. There was no way he would get to either classes on time, at this rate. "No, don't. I'll be fine. I don't want to cause you to be late to class."

"I don't mind, promise." He said. I scoffed. Rian cared more about grades than I did about Jack.

"Seriously, don't. My classroom is literally down the hall. It's not worth it."


"Okay. Bye." I walked into the class just as the bell rang, turning around to see Rian sprinting to class.


"You don't look too good..." Vic commented as I walked into third period.

"I'm fucking fine, Vic." I snapped in reply, immediately feeling bad afterwards. Rian was working on my last nerve and I had accidentally taken it out on Vic. Since I had insisted Rian not come see me between classes, he had taken to texting me every five minutes. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper.

In turn from my outburst, I was given a roll of the eyes as Vic shuffled away from me. My anger only got worse. Rian was the cause of this. I went to apologize, but as soon as I stood up the bell rang for us to start class.

"Everything alright, Mr. Gaskarth?" Mr. English asked. All 48 eyes in the classroom flew to me, and I froze like a deer in the headlights.

"C-Can I use the restroom?" It was the first thought that came to my mind to get out of this, and it didn't sound like a bad idea at the moment.

Mr. English sighed tiredly. "You couldn't have done that two minutes ago?"

"S-Sorry, sir."

"Just go, Gaskarth." I didn't waste a second in running from the room, ignoring the prying looks of my classmates as I rushed to the nearest bathroom.

As I finished in the bathroom, I walked to the sink and washed my hands. Outside of the door, I heard a loud laugh. It made me jump a little, but my heart sped up even more as I realized who the laugh belonged to.

Please don't come in here, please don't come in here. I chanted silently as Mike's voice came towards the door. Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuckfuck. There was no way I could stealthily hide in time, so I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed he wouldn't open the door.

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