19. The Fallout.

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Vic's house was the exact opposite of my own hYouse. It was large, lofty, and luxurious. The ceiling was high and a bright glass chandelier hung from it, the faux diamonds throwing sparkling rainbows against pristine white walls. It was like a scene straight from a movie, with everything perfectly in order. I couldn't believe this is where skater boy Vic and tattoo-covered Mike lived.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Jack's jaw drop. Neither of us even tried to hide our surprise. Vic had already disappeared around a corner, yelling that he'd be right back. Looking down at my flannel jacket and Green Day shirt, I felt under dressed and awkward, even though Vic was wearing an outfit similar to mine.

I felt Jack's warm hand wrap around mine. "You're fine. Don't be worried. I'm sure they'll love you." He whispered softer than the wind in my ear.

I smiled softly towards the ground. "How'd you know I was worried?"

"You always pull at your sleeves when you're nervous." Slowly, I pulled my hand not connected with Jack's away from my sleeve.

"Oh..." A warmth ran through me. I couldn't remember the last time someone took the time to notice the little things I do - or if anyone ever had.

The only sound between us was the faint laughter of the Fuentes family, and even that seemed to fade away as we stared at each other. There was a heavy emotion between us, but I couldn't tell what it was. It held passion and sympathy and...


Did I really just admit to myself that I loved Jack Barakat?

My stomach dropped as I chewed on the thought. I thought back on the late night conversations and heated arguements we had gone through. You've only known him for three months...People didn't just fall in love with strangers in three months, did they?

His eyes dilated as he squeezed my hand. He seemed to sway towards me without meaning to, and I did the same. As his chapped, plump lips pressed against mine, I knew. Whether it was normal or not, the truth was yes, I did indeed fall in love with the perfection that is Jack Barakat.


Vic came back to us not long after my realization. He lead us down a long hallway towards the smell of taco meat. As we walked, Jack and I took the chance to look at the family pictures covering the wall. We laughed quietly at some of the mini-Vics and mini-Mikes.

The dining room walls were painted a dark red color. A table dominated the majority of the room, able to sit at least ten guests comfortably. However, tonight, the table was set for six. The middle held pots and plates of all different sizes, filled with anything you could possibly put on a burrito. My stomach grumbled like an earthquake, and I briefly considered just eating without worrying about the consequences I would surely have later.

You know you can't do that. You can't take a break, ever. Breaks will make you fat.

Mike and his mother were already seated, while Vic's father took off his apron. The three of us gathered around the steaming plates of food and waited for Vic's dad to join the group.

"Jack, Alex!" Vic's father nearly shouted, trances of a Mexican accent present. I cringed slightly. "Welcome to la casa de Fuentes!" He came to us like we were long time friends and threw an arm around both of us. "It's nice to finally meet you. Vic is always talking about how cute you two are; I can see it." Our faces flushed red, and so did Vic's.

"Dadd," He whined. "We talked about this public embarrassment thing."

He scoffed. "I'm in my own house, son. In my house, I'll embarrass you as much as I want." I grinned. His father, despite his loud voice, was very welcoming. I immediately found myself comfortable around him.

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