Chapter 1: Our friendship

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Error's Pov:

Its been quiet in the antivoid... Ink usually annoys me whenever I go hmm... I guess he's been busy oh well I guess more alone time for me hehe.

*I stole a chocolate from Underfell and make myself comfortable for watching Undernovella*

(sorry I dont know anything about it ToT)

**An hour has pass**

Huh... Ink is never been this late...

Ink never been late for goofing around my place especially annoyi- ... Hanging with me

We've been friends for a long time this is literally the first time he was late... I guess its ok but its kinda lonely... Since the voices quiet down and swap was release...

Me and Ink... We became friends rigth after we met its a very interesting at first I was hesitant but after a few days of hanging out with me I become soft for that guy...Hahahaha When we first met he vomited on the floor which freaks me out and I rebooted I can tell when I see the pile of ink on the floor when I finish rebooting haaaahh memories some stay long wow I can still remember that even though its been so long hahahahah.

He doesnt even touch me... He's so understanding...Even though he always forgets... Our friendship is very strong I can say non the least... Maybe a little too strong...

*I think for a while until I hear a voice*

"What are you thinking about?"

"Ack- Ink I thought I told you never sneak up on me again!!!" I say angerly at ink who is behind my beanbag chair

"Sorry error,what are you thinking about?", He said he really wanted to know.

" Its none of your business", I said back crossing my arms like a child.

"But error!!!" He yell.

I told him what I was thinking so he'll be quiet, "Its just about our friendship we became friends faster than I've become with others"

"Hehe maybe Im just destined to be your very best friend error",He jokingly said to me

"Maybe?... "I say very confuse

" Oh error dont think about it so much we can think about so much more than this, we've became friends faster so what Im still your friend"He said trying to cheer me up it works though.

"Ok since you ask me now Its my turn" I tell him laughing a little bit

"Huh?" He ask but I shush him

"shh... Why didnt you come sooner" I ask him very serious, "Do you even know how long I've waited for you!?" He seemed shock about the question

" You've waited for me?" He seems confuse but thats not the answer I was hoping for

"ehem Ink answer me first!" I was serious

"Well you know me protecting stuff, me and star sanses are going through aus to see whats wrong with them you know aus its almost an infinite amount" he tell me

"..." I stayed quiet

"uhm are you ok Error, you seem upset" he ask me again

"Im ok ink just... I dont know" I replied.

**A long silence filled the room but Ink decided to break it**

"So uhm... I wanna know what you do while I was gone... Since you said you waited for me..." He scratch his head awkwardly

"oh uhm I just watch undernovella and eat chocolate the whole wait, nothing too special" I answered really annoyed... Despite being annoyed Im glad he was here...

"Oh uhm really, Us star sanses look through other aus" he tells me again

"Ink you already told me that"

"Oh really I did" he look at me confuse

"*Sigh* Yes you did goldfish brain" I respond

Ink:Oh uhm error


Ink:Since Im late and I let you wait for me, Tommorow we'll hangout your way so where do you want to hangout

Error:really? Outertale and you better be there and I swear if youre just joking-

Ink:woah dont worry I'll be there

Error:youre gonna forget about it 😒

Ink:ok to make sure I'll write it down

*Ink take a brush and write it down on his scarf*

Error:you know your scarf is so dirty

Ink:I know thats what being an artist is

Error:you know if you dont have decent clothes I would just call you a hobo on how dirty you are

Ink:Hey! professor hobo calling me a hobo, you clearly stole your clothes out of aus

Error:*gasp* How dare I made them myself I thought you like it

Ink:I do!


*Me and Ink laugh through all of that Im happy he's here its not boring anymore*

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now