Chapter 11:Ink's Words not mine

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Ink went back to the Star sanses a.k.a Swap's house lol Ink was going to lie to this point that he got very busy but was meet by Dream's worried face and Swap's Angry face

Ink:"Hi gang hows it going"

Swap:"Ink dont 'Hi' me why did you took so long we couldn't have search for you if Error wasnt worried too"

Ink:" wait Error's worried lol that was unexpected"

Dream:" Ink Error ask us for help because you've been missing for a week"

Ink:Wait I've been missing for a week god thats why Error's been worried he might be so lonely

(He's not, He's been hanging out with Nigthmare the whole week)

Swap:" He even broke my door"

Ink:" lol hahahaha"

Swap:"... "

Dream:" Ink why did you went missing"

Ink:" Oh I overwork myself and forget to drink my vials dont worry Error save me"

Swap:" Oh really? "Swap say with a some kind of look

Dream:" oh uhm did he make you drink your vials? "

Ink:" Yeah he does"Ink give a thumbs up and smiling showing his teeth

Swap:"So he just force it into your mouth"

Ink:"I dont think Error is okay with me telling what happened to us :D" he said very unfazed

Swap:" Did Error tell that he is though"

Dream:" Swap dont force Ink"

Ink:" Well Error didnt say something though or does he I cant remember" Ink said his hand under his chin trying to remember it

Ink:" Nope, Error didnt say anything about this"

Swap:" So.... its fine for you to tell rigth" Swap is really curios about what does Error and Ink do alone

Dream:"Swap are you okay its not nice to force someone"

Ink:" Its fine dream Im okay with it" he said unfazed

Swap:" Sooooo what happened tell me"

Ink:" okay time to think of it, its kinda embarrassing"

Swap:" but you said youre okay with it"

Dream:" Swap"Dream said with a very worried face

Ink:" Okay here we go" Ink take a deep breath

Blue and Dream listen while Ink tells them what he remembered just a few hours ago

They are shock what they've heard from Ink does Error really did it or is it a lie everyone knows that Error is still afraid of being touch, how did he overcome it, now thats suspicious

Swap:"wait so he kissed you but how!!"

Ink:"I dont know he just kissed me then when I wake up he was on the ground glitching so much"

Dream:"Oh so he kissed you but it still hurt for him"

Ink:"I guess but I also guess he mustered up his courage to kiss me like that long enough to save me"Ink said shrugging" his determination to save me was so high, he really cared for me that much"

Swap:" Aww thats sweet"

Ink:" welp yeah, dont tell Error I told you two,he would be so angry"Ink chuckle nervously 

Swap:" No promises" Swap laughs Ink really wish that Error doesnt find out

Dream just stand there laughing with Swap while Ink holding his brush

Dream:"Oh yeah we've been searching for hours non stop and theres also some days that you dont work soooo, youre going to work tommorow alone"

Ink:"Alone!? Okay I guess its fine but you better enjoy your life while I work, cause Im not working for nothing dream" he pouted like a child he's actualy okay with it he understand that

Swap:"Yes another day off mwe he"

Was Ink said true dream wondered He's going to Nigthmare's tommorow for tea time nigthmare has been trying to invite him into one but he was busy so this time he will accept it

He migth even tell some gossips and some things or maybe took a peek on hows his brother doing with his henchmen?

I guess we have to find out on the next chapter...


And now Error being a manbaby

Ink:"So yeah I cant hangout with you tommorow"

Error:"But I want to be with you its been so long I save you I should have gotten a prize"

Ink:" Sorry Error maybe next time"

Ink:" Sorry Error maybe next time"

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Thank you for reading this I find this very cringey but yet I love making this thank you for waiting cause this time I almost perfect my quiz yippee


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