Chapter 7: Into the Woods

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Error's Pov:

Me and the bad sanses go on the simple walking session

All the time I was besides Nightmare I just dont want to get lost nor left out at the back

All that time I was just thinking about what Swap just said yesterday... Should I do something...

Just I was going through my thoughts Killer and Cross started to chase one another

"I thought this will be a nice walk"

Cross almost trip and fell but Nightmare catch him just in time... To bad it will be funny when he falls

"If I didnt know better, looks like youre going soft Nightmare" I joke

Nm:"... "He pause " Maybe I am... But that was just to simplify-"

" Whatever you say nightmare" I jokingly say

Nm:" watch yourself Error" he said to me

After the two caught Dust and horror me and nigthmare finally caught up to them

Nm:"theyre you guys are"

The four:"Sorry" apologizing

Nm:"I'll let it slide this time" nightmare said sighing

After that the four continue to play and Nightmare Smiled at the scene and then suddenly look at me

Nm:"Error, you do know I can sense your feelings rigth" He tells me

Aww sh1t I totaly forget that he can sense negative and positive feelings


Nm:"based on youre response you forgot do you."

" Maybe...?"


" Fine yes I do"

Nm:"so why are you feeling such things? Youre not a kind of person who worries about something"


"Its nothing"

Nm:"Oh c'mon Error I can tell youre thinking about something"

"Im not thinking about someone!" I just yelled never thinking about what Im gonna say

Nm:"I never say about 'someone' Error but I guess thats explains it"he smirk

"You heard nothing"I started to blush out of embarrassment

Nm:"You clearly yelled it, Im not deaf to not hear any of that"

"Why did I even stay here taking a walk with you guys ugh!!!!"

Nightmare laugh at me before asking me

Nm:"But seriously who's been making you worry?" He ask me still laughing

"Why would I tell you"

Nm:"Im your boss"

"Im no ones follower"



Nm:"Can you at least tell me why youre so worried? "

"No its embarrassing enough for you to know that Im thinking about someone"

Nm:"Why you scared that I will tell someone"


Nm:"Then tell me Im your boss"

"Make me"

Nm:"..."Nightmare just stared at me dead in the eyes

"... " I stared at him back

After awhile I lost and got scared at his glare. His glare are always scary

Nm:"Error, Tell me now thats an order" he is dead serious now

"I-" I still hesitated

Nm:"hmm?" Nightmare tilted his head

"I have a crush okay... And Swap tell me to confess to them..." I blush form embarrassment... Now theres two people who knows

Nm:"Wait you have a crush!? And Swap knows!?" Nightmare yell very shock

"Shush!! The four will hear" I say shushing him

Nm:"Okay let me get this straight, You have a crush and Swap wanted you to confess to them"


Nm:"So youre worried that your crush dont love you back"He completely guess what I was thinking

"How the f#ck did you guess that "

Nm:"So Im rigth,When are you going to confess?"

"What the h3ll,Im not going to confess never"

Nm:"But youre thinking about it"

"... F#ck you"

Nm:" and Who's your crush?" He ask smirking

" Why the h3ll I'll tell you, You already know enough information about it"

Nm:"those Swap know who"

"... yes"

Nm:"then why cant I" nightmare said very upset

"Swap just have a lucky guess"

"And I hate it how he just suddenly guess it"

Nm:"..." He looks at me concerned "So its his Idea to make you worry about someone you like?"

" What No!!! He just suggesting that I should confess to my... Crush before its to late"



Nm:" Just remember though, Its your choice what to do with your feelings or not but I can sense that you are copping negatively by this"

I just stay quiet,Suddenly the four come back done playing and messing around the forest. Its finally time to go back to the castle

As we walk back Killer ask something

Killer:"So Boss what do you and Error talk about?"

Nm:"Its none of your business killer"he said

Killer:"Oh c'mon boss dont be so mean" Killer said joking

Cross:"Killer stop annoying boss"

Dust and Horror just nod agreeing to Cross

Killer:"c'mon dont out number me"

"Just shut up Killer"

Actually we just argued in the whole trip going back to the castle. We came back to the castle I just stayed for a little longer before coming back to my antivoid it was kinda annoying with killer around and I cant stay focus on what I was thinking

Its finally night time and I say my goodbyes and finally go to my antivoid... Empty Ink is still not around I wonder what is he doing...

"Welp Im tired"

I say as I went to my beanbag and lay flat with my Ink puppet...

"Now someone is saying to take it slow ugh!! This whole crush thing is so complicated"


"I wonder what would Ink think if he's on my position..."

I fall asleep snuggling my Ink puppet

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now