Chapter 21: Royalty (true chapter)

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Error pov:

Its time for me to go to the castle again.The last time I was there they were asking about if I kissed Ink-


I hate them...

But I do missed the nice walks through the forest...

I sneakly made a portal towards my old room in the castle

I was shock that my room was still here untouch or so I thought

I go out of the room the halls seem to be empty so I walk casually on the halls I saw them at the front of the entrance just joking around I hid from on of the pillars right beside the railings

My room is at the second floor and they were at the 1st floor

Killer:"So what are we going to do now~"

Murder:"Why not 'shut the fuck up'"


Horror:"why not sleep"

Killer:"ugh! You guys are boring!!! Am I right crossy~"

Cross:" I dont know..."

Killer:" aww c'mon not you too oreo boi"

Ugh! Killer is like this as always, I cant even believe that this is nightmare's right hand man

Suddenly Killer's head turn to my direction and he smirk

Killer:"ohh~ look our glitchy boy finally came back"

How the fuck did he know Im here

I dont even have a time to think when Killer suddenly throw a knife at my direction that made me jump out of the pillar that I was hiding on out of instinct

Cross:"I hate it when your right"

"You 1di0t  you alm0$t hit m3!!!!"

Killer giggle

Killer:"aww~ It missed"

How annoying

Murder:"we thought you left for good"

"In how much I hate it here I just need to talk to nightmare about something..." I control my anger

Killer:" then whats your business with boss"

"Its private"

Dust:" aww but we cant let you talk to him without knowing what your intention is"

" Since when fo you guys follow that rule-"

Killer:" Why not you go down here before we make you"

" Oh yeah!?"

Killer:" yeah!"

Killer stand up from the couch ready to pounce on me

I dont really want him to be near me so I just teleported down

Killer:" oh wow~ you actualy did-"

I use my strings to choke him

" Shut your mouth"

Killer:" oh~ kinky~" he said that as I choke him it make me piss off even more

Cross:" so... Why are you here to meet nightmare"

Error:" I told you none of your business"

Horror:" okay look, The boss has his own duties right now"

" You mean your royal king of negativity yeah I dont believe that,most of the time he just plot for a while but now the apple brothers just have a truce! You think he's still busy!?"

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now