Chapter 14:How is it

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Lol hows my drawing of humanized Ink

Error pov:

I went over to Swap's house I think he's brother is away or asleep since I haven't get attacked yet

"Ugh I need to lay down"

I open the door Swap was inside he look surprise on my sudden visit

Swap:"Error! Ah! What brings you here"

Swap was cleaning the house looks like he's alone

"I just want to get away from the weirdos inside that stinking castle"

Swap:"you mean killer, dust and horror?"

"All of them including the fucking twins"

Swap:" oh! Dream"

" Can I just lay on your couch, so many things had happened. And no I dont want to talk about it!"

Swap:" oh uhm yes sure you can take a rest"

Swap's pov:

Looks like error had a bad day I wonder what happened

Error:"ugh I just ugh!!!!"

Wow he is pissed

Error then proside to vent out his anger to me


I thought he doesnt want to talk about it

Error:" how did even dream knew did ink tell ugh!!! Did you knew about this!?"

Error look at me still looking angry

"About what...?" I awkwardly ask

This probably about ink's first kiss with error I just dont want him to stress out as he is right now

Error:"..." He just went back to laying to my couch sighing

Error:"everybody thinks I like ink now thanks to that annoying ball of sunshine"

He is still venting his anger out to me good thing papy is away

Error:" You probably know since dream knows..."

Welp Im not that fool prof as I thought

" Ahhh... you got me... But dont hurt me its not my fault! "

Error:" oh yeah then who's fault is it? "

"... "

" Okay fine its kinda my fault, I force Ink to tell us what happened to you two when he went missing"

Error:" of course you do ugh"

" Well is it good though-"

Error went blushing bright blue

Error:" wha- dont ask something like that! "

" What I mean you did kissed him"

Error:" I did that to save him not for my own desires Im not that kind of person! "

" I know I just want to know what you feel about kissing him well since your fear of touch is not yet gone...?"

" Is it nice to kiss your crush hehe" I joke

Error:" well since Ink was soulless at the time he is like a statue... He didnt move, couldn't talk, couldn't see... "

I went quiet that sounds... Depressing and sad I cant help but think why is Ink soulless

Error:" because of that it doesnt feel like Im touching a person? I dont know its just like that"

Error:" kissing Ink was nice before he regain consciouseness, When he came back to life it start to hurt again... And then I glitched out"

"... "

" Oh"

Error:" but somehow I didnt regret it" Error blushing blue tint while hiding his face in his scarf as his voice started to get quieter

" Welp that explains it"

" So Killer knows huh? "

Error:" yes, everyone in the castle does"

" Welp that sucks, Killer will be annoying you about it"

Error:" he already did"

I went quiet welp this is an awkward situation

I finish my chores in the house Error is still on the couch so I just sit on the floor watching napstaton on the tv as I turn it on

Error:" so whens your brother coming home? "

" Huh? "

Error:" When your brother coming home? I dont want that guy knowing Im here he probably kicking me out this au"

" What, dont worry about him I already talk about him he promise me to not hurt you or blast you when your here, only when you try to kidnap me again...? " I shrug my shoulder smiling awkwardly

Error just stared at me I get its kinda awkward and the subject of kidnapping is brought up again

Error:"you know I never really like youre brother"


Error:"where is he anyways"

"Oh papyrus is at undyne's lab they said his doing some kind of work for undyne since he wanted to help"

Error:" welp that doesnt sound suspicious at all" error said sarcastically

" Yeah brother is pretty lazy so its wierd that he wanted to help undyne for something"

We continue talking looks like Error has forgotten what happened in nightmares castle the tv is still on so I turn it off

Right after I turn the tv off theres a knock on the door is it paps? No he said he will be late and if he's early he would text me...

I stand up and run straight to the front door

"I'll get it!" I yell

But before I open the door someone burst out the door

"Sorry late upload I wish you a happy early christmas love you"


Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now