Chapter 18: touching feeling

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Ink and Error hangout as always but this time Ink pick the hangout spot

Ink didnt want error to be so anxious in a new place so he just pick to hang out in Swap's au so Error wouldn't be so weary besides they can go and visit swap in his house if they want to

Walking and talking through the snowdin town where the characters of undertale is swaped by others

Ink walking besides error talking hanging out

Many has bats their eyes to them

'hey are those skeletons?'

'I thought the two skeleton brothers are the last one'

'nah they look different'

'who are they?'

Error never really go out to swap's snowdin town and Ink never really think of it

But Swap insisted its fine for them to walk around snowdin

People stare and Ink didnt really care but as for error... He feels weirded out not really kind of guy for this kind of attention

I swear if he wasnt friends with swap he could destroy this au and laughs

They made the way to the snowdin forest away from the crowd Error finally spoke

Error:"Ink arent you weirded out by the people in this town"

Ink:"Huh? Oh! Not really to be honest I dont really care"

Error:"monsters have been whispering about us"

Ink:"nah but if you dont like it we could go to swap's house"


Ink:" ok so lets use a shortcut so we dont need to go through the town again"

They both take a shortcut through swap's home as they got inside the house swap is surprise to see them so soon

Swap:" oh error, ink your here what make you come to my awesome home"

Ink:" Hi swap, I think people in snowdin dont like us they kept whispering behinds our backs"

Error:" Ink its our first time going to swap's snowdin they didnt knew us yet"

Ink:" oh really I could've swear, I forgot"

Swap:" of course you do" He said making an annoyed face

Swap:" anyways you guys are very welcome to my house please take a sit"

Error and ink sit on the couch with a distance

Swap:"stay here I'll make some snacks for you" swap wink at error knowing that he wanted to be alone with ink

Error blush as if he knows what swap's saying

Ink:"Im really sorry error I thought this could be the best hangout we did but looks like all the thing we get is stares" Ink said with a hint of sadness

Error sighed "its fine ink its not like you mean it" he scoots closer to ink

Ink notice it

Ink:"hey why are you getting close I thought you dont like being up close"

Error:"I-I uhm" Error blushed in embarrassment

Ink was worried and stand up

Error:" no wait, I-Im just getting closer to you its no big deal"

Ink's face went happy "really Im have a very close friend ship with you"

Error:"Its not very close"

Ink:"I dont care as long you said that were close"

Error:"shut up"

Ink and error sit next to eachother error felt butterflies inside of him by sitting very close to ink but not touching

But still he feels a touchy feeling despite not touching anyone

Ink breaks the silence and start talking about alot actually

Error start talking as well getting very talkative

This touchy feeling grew

Its not touchy really but he cant describe his feelings

Every time they talk and be with eachother he felt some kind of thought

Error:"Ink... Do you think I can touch people again... Without glitching"

Ink:"I dont actually know, but if youre so determined that you can touch someone again then you have my full support" Ink gave error a thumbs up

Error smiled " really... Thanks I guess"

Swap came in with a tray of tacos

Swap:" Whose hungry!! "

Ink:" Ohh-ohh me me! " Ink raise his hand jumping up and down the couch still sitting next to error

Swap join them and start having a conversation after all they're all friends

swap:"psst error what do you tell ink while im gone"

Error:"just talking why"

Swap:"I just thought your going to tell him your feelings-"

Error shut swap up with his strings

Ink:" Error why are you silencing swap, Error stop he's our friend"

"Thank you for reading this book I cant really believe its already 2024 and its going to be a year since I made this book

I went live at youtube lately its nice

I have taken my exam and wish me luck to have answered the test right cause Im going to cry again if not

Also I have a friend who has a tumor in her head I wish she recover"


Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now