Chapter 4: HANGING OUTerspace

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Error's Pov:

"Looks like I was actually early"I said confuse and sit on a nearby cliff

"Thats weird I thought I overslept" I look up admiring the beautiful stars

Suddenly a voice come to greet me

Ink:"Hi error I see you finally come I was waiting for seem feels like hours" Ink groaned

"Oh really... I'm sorry I'm late I overslept" I tell Ink

Ink:"Huh!? Dont say sorry I'm fine with it I did it too you yesterday" he look confuse "You saying Sorry huh... That's new... "


Ink:"You usually never say sorry especially to me"

"Dont get used to it, its only for once cause Im late" I crossed my arms and pouted

Ink:"So why did you overslept, did something happen when I left?" He ask me

"I just couldn't sleep last night because something is on my mind,dont worry I manage to sleep anyways" I tell him like it was not a big deal

Ink:"So what are we waiting for lets go" he pulled my coat running with me

"Hey hey hey! Wait my coat is going to rip" I try to stop him but he just keep pulling "where do you think were going"

Ink:"Hanging out of course were going to see everything in outertale" he smiled still pulling me

"Hey I thought were going to hangout my way this time" Ink finally let go of my coat luckily it wasn't destroyed "*sigh* you forget did you?" crossing my arms also raising a brow

Ink:"Maybe..?" he shrug

"Were just going to sit on one corner away from anyone" I face palmed

Ink:"But what are we going to do there?" He ask

"Hangout"I say to him

Ink:"Error you know thats not what I meant" Ink say putting his hands to his waist while pouting his lips

I take a deep breath"Were going to sit on the edge of that cliff and watch the stars while doing something like knitting" I said irritated

Ink:"Were going to knit? Error you know I cant knit" this time his hands are crossed

"You know I can just teach you" I hide my face with my hand

Ink:"Oh really?" He raised an non-existing eyebrow

"Yes Yes I will"I offered him my sleeve that he can hold

Ink:"Ok as long you teach me without hitting me nor using your powers on me" he says to me

"Ugh! Fine" I roll my eyes

We continue to be on that cliff knitting I teach Ink all I know about it. He cant hold the needles correctly its hilarious reminds me of my first time knitting oh boi he was bad at it he even cried to me how hard it is... I cant deny he was kinda cu- terrible at it...

What is this feeling its like there is something i side of me... is this what they called butterflies I didnt notice that I was staring at ink for a long time

Ink:"Hello multiverse to Error" He said while snapping his fingers at me

"Huh!?" I finally snap into reality

Ink:"you've been staring at me for a long time is there something wrong?" He ask worried

"Uh no, I just zone out for a little" I tell Ink hoping he doesnt notice my blushing earlier

Ink:"Anyways how do I do..." He showed me the scarf he knitted unfinished it was still kinda terrible

"..." I stayed quiet

Ink:"Oh c'mon is it that bad!" He yelled at me

"To be honest it does" he mockingly tell ink

He cross his arms and started to look at me angerly

"But! Its not bad for a beginer"I tell him

He eyes widen and his face fuming with joy

Ink:"REALLY IT DOES OMG THANK YOU ERROR" he said very happy almost hugging me but stop "Oops sorry almost got you dare"

"Thats fine you didnt touch me this time" I smiled warmly at him

Ink:"I can say knitting is hard TwT" he whined

"You can stop if thats what you wan-"

Ink:" What no, I will finish this and give it to you as a thank you"

" No need Ink"I tried to hide my face out of embarrassment

Ink:"Aww Error youre embarrassed but I will still give to you... When I manage to finish it of course" a single sweat drip off his skull he is honestly not sure if he's going to finish it

"Im not embarassed!!!" I yell at ink

Ink:"What ever you say you big baby" he mocks me

"INK!!! " I glitched while yelling but unfortunately Ink find it a way to escape

Ink:"Welp I love our little hangout error thank you for teaching me how to knit but its been late so I'll come back tommorow see 'ya ;P" he splash his Ink to the ground and semerge with the Ink

I finally finish rebooting I hate it when Ink do that always leaving when Im rebooting

I sigh packing my knitting kit and head back home to the antivoid leaving the Splash of Ink on the ground

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now