Chapter 15: Inkcoming!!!

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Its incoming if you dont get the title :)

The video has no relation to the story I just want to show one of my latest work that probably flop

No one pov:

Someone knock at Swap's door but it doesnt look like his papyrus cause he would be late helping undyne at her lab so who could it be. As Swap is about to open the door someone burst out the door... It was Ink thats a relief

Ink:"Swap!!!" Ink burst through the door and hug Swap

Swap:"uh oh INCOMING!"

Swap falls to the floor with Ink

Ink:" without you guys is torture, I already miss you"

Swap:" Ink its only a day and your shift is not done yet"

Ink:" I know Im just taking a break" Ink said " And Im tired" Ink whined

Error peeked behind the couch, Ink notice

Ink:" Oh hi error" Ink wave still on top of Swap

Error just wave back

Ink:"wait why's Error here? "

Swap:"he just have a bad day dont worry were just talking about... Things!"

Ink:"oh can I join!"

Swap:"nope youre busy remember goodbye" Swap said getting up and pushing Ink to the door

Ink:"aww but Im on my break"

Swap:"nope youre not"

Ink:"ok fine" Ink left leaving a pile of ink on the floor

Swap:"oh that was easy"

But then Ink just teleported next to error

Error:"1-iNk!!" Error was startled


Swap:"now look what you have done"

Error glitched not for long as Ink is still there as he woke up

Error's pov:

I woke up I didnt remember what happen but when I open my eye sockets I see Ink, now I remember Ink teleported next to me after Swap get him out the house


Ink:"sorry error" Ink said bowing his head with a sad cute face

I feel my face blush slightly

Swap:"Yeah you should be!" Swap hit Ink on the back of the head it look like it hurts

Ink:"oww" Ink said with a tear on his eye

Swap:"Sorry error about what happened"

"I.. its... fine"

Swap:"now you little rascal its time to go back to work"

Ink:"what! Noooo! I dont want to go" Ink cried not wanting to work

He looks so cute when he likes that

Ink notice me

Ink:"Error are you smiling?"

"What no Im not!"

Ink:"nahh you are smiling"

"If I am then I would just be glad that youre gone"

Ink:"Wah!? Well that just hurts" He pout crossing his arms while swap just watching us

Swap look at me then said

"welp since you are not going Im going in the kitchen readying some snacks you two enjoy each others company! "

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now