Chapter 19:facing fears

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Its a nice time to hangout in the antivoid Ink and Error getting hype by their interest talking and talking until error realize that Ink often draw while talking or just staring at him when they are alone in the antivoid so Error start to question Ink about it...

Error's Pov:

Ink has been drawing whenever he's hanging out with me in my antivoid. I know Ink has a fear of blank spaces and which the antivoid is... He is more comfortable when we talk outside or at outertale... But its hard when I want to talk to him properly in the antivoid.

"Hey Ink dont you ever like... Stop drawing for a minute?"

Ink:"oh uhm sure" he stop drawing and start to look at me

"So I know youre afraid of blank spaces but I want to talk to you like normally in here"

Ink:"you know its hard for me to be in blank spaces, youre lucky that I can keep myself sane while hanging with you"

"... "

Ink:" did I become too honest again? "

" No its okay... "

Ink:" How about you? "

" What do you mean"

Ink:" well you know your... What is called? Hap.. hape-happepo"

" Happephobia? "

Ink:" yes that! God thats hard to pronounce"

"Well its different from yours"

Ink:"but still its a fear just like mine so its not so different" he says

Ink:"youre afraid of touch while Im afraid of blank spaces"


Ink:"youre just being a baby again"


"Im not a baby!"

Ink:"okay prove it" it sounded like a dare

He extend his hand

"What no!"

Ink:"cmon you said youre not a baby"

" Well I dont wanna"


Ink:" ok let make a dare, I face my fear and you face yours"

" Really? You really do it"

Ink sigh " do you really willing to do it when I do it too? "

" Yes!!! "

Ink take a deep breath " okay here we go"  He look down before looking up of my anti void

I can see his breathing becoming abnormal as time past by until I saw him hyperventilating



Ink's slowly went normal as I accompany him Im not really good at this thing but hey more importantly Ink is fine now


Ink catching his breath "Im fine Im fine..."

"You are not fine Oh god-"

Ink:"Hey now its your turn"

" Wha- Ink you litterally hyperventilate just a few moments ago"
(Hey this reminds me of an artist I knew Hypervent)

Ink:"yeah but a promise is a promise ;p" he wink like nothing happened

'How come he cant remember shit but he remember this'

"Ugh fine..." I roll my eyes crossing my arms

"Okay lets start"

As he said that I flinch as he extends his arm but it didn't touch me

"Lets start small like let our pinkies touch isn't that a good start?" To my surprise he was just trying to do a pinky promise

I look at him shock

"Cmon Error you can do it" he encourage me to do it

Somehow with that cheer it gave me that weird feeling again but I am pretty scared as I am shaking while Im reaching for his pinky

I scared I never touch someone before and touch has been felt so very wierd and it hurts when it touches my bones but here I am doing this to prove something about myself

I look away my left hand holding my scarf as it hides my scared expression while the other trying to reach out Ink's finger I was shaking

Until I felt something

Ink:"See theres nothing to be afrai-"

I glitched before he finished talking that simple touch already made me into a glitching mess

But Im not a baby

Ink's Pov

'I spoke too soon, looks like error's fear of touch is much complicated than I expected'

I let of Error's pinky and made a blanket for error he needed it I rest assured him that Im not going to hurt him making sure he's doing alright after that

He's glitching, well not fully since he's not complaining screaming in pain I guess thats a start

"You okay now..?"

Error sighed "yeah a bit"

"Thats great then"

Error:"I never thought that youre that afraid of blank spaces"

"Yeah I didnt knew that your fear of touch is that intense that even touching a pinky made you glitch" I laughs a bit as he also chuckle

We sit by a cliff I understand that Error like to visited here, the place look awesome and the stars are really pretty and its feels relaxing...

And this particular spot has the aura of the antivoid and not an empty space...

Wait what am I talking about again... Meh its probably not that important I just need to accompany Error...

"But yeah thank you for facing our fears together and also prevent me from hyperventilating"

Error:"y-yeah... Thanks for slowing it down"

"Every mental thing needs time not knowlegde"

Error:"youre still dumb"


"Im not danm!!? "

~Facing our fears~

"Hello and sorry some of you might think got bored and stop but no, I've many assignments and school work so I do a small chapter as this month and march chapter facing your fears as every thing is about is their friendship"

" P. S. Ink is aroace/pasexual and also a non binary Icon(for me) while error is a bisexual dud thats inlove with  ink"

" I know this is not a great representation about phobias and Im sorry to offend to the people who have a real phobia"

ErrorInk poem

We are different
And I love you for that
I wonder if we can hold like that
but I am content

You protect while I destroy
I use strings and you use ink
But loving you made me think
You are more than a toy

Not everything is spelled in ink
But our love doesn't stink

"I kinda forgot to add this poem I made sorry😓"

Error's Unexpected Crush (Errorink)Where stories live. Discover now