Chapter 22: Progress

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Hello sorry for not updating things have happend

Anyways lets go

No ones pov:

Months passed after the first kiss error and ink made but still error cant seem to erase it from his mind... A part of him wanted the kiss again but this time Ink is... Himself but he knows he can't from the hurtful experience from his glitching

Good thing Ink and Error decided to work on their phobias and after just 3-2 months Ink can last for 1 and a half hour in the anti void I mean sure he gets very anxious but Error is there to help him, Error in the other hand is helped on his fear of touch of course it hurts at first and way more comforting when he get used to it and now he can now hold Ink's hand for as long he wanted

Theres alot more phobias they need to get to know about eachother well atleast for error

Ink actualy knows alot of things about error but error didnt actually know alot about Ink especially the fear of being forgotten its not like Ink shown any signs of it

But regardless of their phobias they have progress

Imagine that the two immortal besties never actually talk about their insecurities and fears until now...

But it is intriguing that they trust each other to even try to make progress

Good for them...


Error's Pov:

Me and Ink are hanging out Ink is still drawing while talking to me but its fine I guess...

He seem didnt notice I was looking at him for a while now,I've been thinking about confessing to him but how I dont know

Ugh! I hate it that I fell inlove with this stupid protector its his fault for being so cute and....

Ahh! Oh my god Im thinking about him again

Ugh this stupid cute guy

I slowly put my hand next to his

My hand is trembling

Stupid hand stop trembling

After for a while I finally do it I hold his hand and Ink seem to notice it too

Ink:"What is it error?"

"Nothing I just wanted too hold your hand for a bit"

I said while my other hand hides my face with my scarf

Ink:"hehe okay then~"

My face turns even bluer

Ink just smiled amused with my behaviour

Ink:" Im glad that youre coping well in your happephobia meanwhile me...drawing ignoring the whitespace..."Ink look down to his sketchbook

It made me flip a switch within me that I didnt know about

" What do you mean!? You help me through this and didnt you say you can last for one and a half hours!?"

Ink:" well yeah I did but Im still scared of white spaces-"

" So dont tell yourself you didnt change from all of that after all you have progress and I didnt do better I still dont like physical contact but with your help I can finally hold your hand"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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