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It's been quite a while now. I can even hear my new momma's voice now, so the time for my birth is also close.

Oh! And did I mention who my new momma is!? Well, if I didn't then...



Meaning my twin sibling is THE ASH KETCHUM!!! I'm even more exited now!! This life will awesome, all the adventures, drama, new powers, new friends and pokemons, and I can't wait to see father again!!

And I also feel my aura and psychic powers growing more powerful as time went on.

I'm kinda hoping that ash is the older twin since I've always wanted a big brother. In my previous life I wasn't lucky enough to get one so all I can do is just hope for now, until we are born.

Just a few more weeks then I'll finally be able to see this world.

<<<< Time skips to a few weeks >>>

(Delia's POV)

I looked towards my two babies who are sleeping peacefully besides me, as I laid there exhausted on the hospital bed after giving birth.

"Congratulations Mrs. Ketchum! your new borns are perfectly healthy. Have you decided on what you are going to name them?" Nurse Zoya asked cheerfully.

(A/n: Nurse Zoya is going to be the nurse treating humans if needed in this fic. And it's gonna be exactly like how every Joy and Jenny looks the same and has the same name with Zoya. You can imagine how you wanted her to look, thats totally up to you readers.😄)

"Thank you Nurse Zoya! And I thought of naming my son Ash and my daughter Elisa. What do you say Nurse Zoya?" I asked her, still exhausted but extremely happy.

"Huh... Ash and Elisa Ketchum... they are excellent names Mrs. Ketchum!" Nurse Zoya replied with a closed eyed smile.

"Chen chensy!!!" Chensy exclaimed.

"See, even chensy likes them!"She said.

I give them a tired but bright smile and said "thank you Nurse Zoya and you too Cheney. I'm really grateful to you two, so thank you very much."

She bashfully said "No need to thank us Mrs Ketchum, we were just doing our job. And besides we are always happy to help. Now you should get some rest." "Chensy!!"

I don't have the energy to talk anymore since I can already feel my eyelids dropping so I just nodded and welcomed sleep while hugging my babies...

Ash and Elisa Ketchum.


(Elisa's POV)

When I opened my eyes the first thing I saw was Delia, my new momma, and a small child who I assume is Ash, my twin brother, sleeping besides me.

I looked at my hands to see they were also tiny, meaning I really was reborn.

'Wow! I really was reincarnated into the Pokemon world! Now I can be a pokemon master like I always dreamed of!! And I'll also get to see father again soon! I can't wait!!!'

I was busy with my thoughts when suddenly some movements caught my attention from the corner of my eye.

I turned towards the side only to see a cute cat-like pink coloured pokemon floating by the window while looking at me curiously. I was completely frozen at the sight before me.

It was night outside so the full moon was glowing brightly behind it. After looking at the me for a seconds it let out a cute giggling noise that snapped me out of the shock.

Before me was the pokemon believed to be the ancestor of all the pokemons, Mew.

Before me was the pokemon believed to be the ancestor of all the pokemons, Mew

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Mew floated towards me and stopped right above me. We stared into each other's eyes as one curiosity tilted its head while the other trying to contain the excitement as to not wake the others up.

' So you are the one chosen by Lord Arceus? '

I heard a feminine child-like voice in my head surprising me.

'Huh!? Is this your voice Mew!!? And how do you know about me being Arceus's chosen one?'

Mew giggled at my reaction, 'you're funny, I can see why Father chose you. And every pokemon knows about you being his chosen one. Every pokemon in this world could sense you presence ever since you were in her * points towards Delia *
womb. And your divine aura has increased so much sinse then, I'm very impressed to be honest Miss chosen one.'

I could practically hear the mischief in Mew's voice making me question if Mew really was as innocent as it looked.


Come to think of it... is Mew a male or a female? Now I'm curious.

'Hey Mew... I have a question, are you a male or a female?'

There was mischievous glint in Mew's eyes as it flew closer to my face.

'Hmm, interesting question... what do you think, Miss chosen one?'

' Umm not sure but you do sound kinda girly so... '

' hehe, well I don't really have a fixed gender but I prefer he/him.'

'Well good to know. Thanks for tell me. Hey! By the way what are you doing here?'

'All legendaries pokemons had a competition to see who will be welcoming you, and guess who won.'

He seems a bit too smug and cocky...
we're gonna have to change that.

'Humm maybe Celebi or Victini? Can't be you since I haven't gotten my welcome yet' I mischievously asked him.

It was totally worth it seeing the cute pout adoring his face.

Heehehe, I snickered quitely.

'Well any ways, I guess it's kinda late for one but Welcome to our world Miss chosen one. I hope you enjoy your time here to the fullest. Now I would love to chat some more with you but I need go. But we'll definitely meet in the the future and I may even join you on your journey. So bye bye for now Miss chosen one or should I say Elisa.'

'Bye bye Mew!! I look forward to seeing you again!!'

And just like that he teleported away. I looked towards my momma Delia and my brother Ash to see them still sleeping peacefully, having no knowledge of Mew's visit.
And since I had nothing else to do I decided to sleep as well. There was one thought that passed my head before I fell asleep.

'Life will be so much interesting from now on, thank you so much for sending me here Father. I'll not disappoint you.'


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