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Soooo... it's been like a week since we got back from rota with our new friend, and everything is back to being pretty much normal I guess... at least as normal as life can get.

Hah... I still find it hard to believe that lucario's staying with us now! When we got back, professor Oak gave me a pokeball so that no one else would be able to catch lucario. For now he'll be registered under professor's name, he said he'll transfer lucario to my account when I start my journey. So lucario is now officially mine!

Mom also gave me a necklace with a small magnet to attach lucario's  pokeball to it so that I don't loose it.

Aunt Ilene was kinda sad that we were leaving so soon, but we promise to visit on holdings so in the end she agreed.

Well nothing interesting is happening except so me now studying under professor Oak, and lucario helping me with my aura training and stuff like martial arts and strengthening my body. Sometimes Gary and Ash also join our training, but most of the time we train at night (cause I don't want mom to worry any more than she already does) so we're mostly alone.

I also help professor Oak in feeding all the pokemons at the ranch. At first he wanted to refuse but when I reasoned with him, saying how I can understand pokemon and am basically the chosen one of the god pokemon, he eventually agreed.

And let me tell you how glad he was that he agreed. Even the troublemakers behaves themselves when I'm there giving them food. And the pokemons that the lab assistants are afraid of including professor Oak's charizard, get very happy that their princess is visiting them.

Oh yeah! The pokemons say that I was given the title of their princess ever since they were able to feel my divine aura (meaning ever since I was in mom's womb) by all the pokemons across the world!

And that was how I spent the next 2 years of my life. Helping out at the ranch, learning stuffs from professor Oak, training with lucario and spending time with Gary, Ash, mom and of course aunt Ilene. And at some point I also started to learn about all the different types of aura too with the help of the pokemons at the ranch.  

<<<Time-skips to 2 years later till the summer camp>>>

So now we're packing our stuffs for  Professor Oak's summer camp. Over the last two years I've been promoted from professor's student to his junior assistant or more like a junior professor! I only found out recently about how he officially registered all the information he got from me about the pokemons at the ranch. I already had a vast amount of knowledge on pokemons from the anime and I can just directly ask them too, so I told him when he asked me about pokemons from there POV. Who knew he'd register all that under my name.

Professor Oak has already informed us that other regional professors will also be there cause they wanted to meet me. Not gonna lie that was a very surprising news, but I'm very excited to meet them and Serena too!

"Lisa! Ashy! Are you done packing yet?!" Mom ask as entered our room.

"Yes mom!! We got everything!" We answered in sync. We looked at each other then brushed out laughing.

Mom also smiled as she looked at us laughing together. Lucario was also with mom looking at us with a smile.

"Princess if you're ready we should leave now, or else you'll be late." Lucario reminded us.

Lucario has loosened up quite a bit over the 2 years staying with us. He still likes to stay formal and takes his duties very seriously. I've already told him many time that he can just call me Eli, but he refuses every times saying it's disrespectful. But atleast he doesn't called me 'my lady' anymore. Now he just calls me 'princess' playfully. I find kinda cute so I just let him. Anyways we're getting of topic!

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