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"Are you messing with us professor Oak?! You want us to believe that this 7 year-old girl is the world famous junior professor!?! Do you take us for fools!?" Professor Kukui said a little angrily thinking professor Oak was messing with them.

"Haha, believe it or not my friends but she is the junior professor that you're looking for." Professor Oak told them in a manner that made it hard to tell whether he was lying or not.

It was getting pretty easy to tell the professors were getting irritated at this point... and professor Oak was definitely enjoying irritating them.

Ash, Gary and I looked at each other then nodded in a silent agreement that we don't wanna be in this situation. So Gary took the initiative to start with our silently made escape plan.

"Grandpa, why we go ahead and take our stuffs to our cabin since this is very boring for us kids?" Gary very bluntly asked.

Professor Oak probably got the hint so he gave us a signal to go ahead. With his permission we went back to his car to get our bags.

As we were get our luggage out of the car trunk lucario suddenly came out of his pokeball. Offering to carry our luggage.

"Lucario we can carry them ourselves, and you're suppose to stay in your pokeball unless I call you out! You are aware just how much attention you draw, right?! We are already cute enough, we don't need you bring any more attention to us!" I scolded him before putting him back in the pokeball.

Huffing in annoyance as Ash and Gary were snickering at our interaction (or more definitely at my annoyance and lucario's sulking expression for being scolded). The professors just stared at us speechlessly.

And just like that us kids went to get settle in our cabin while all the professors except professor Oak were not even sure what to think about it.

Anyways before we got here professor told us that up to 4 kids will be sharing a room (2 bunk beds to both sides of the room), so there will be one more person in our cabin room. The roommates will be the teams for the activities of the summer camp.

Hmmm... should I go find Serena so I don't have to deal with some random kid?... heh who am I kidding, the answer to that question is obviously yes!

Let's go find Serena!!!

"Guys, we need to find one more person so the professors don't randomly select one to complete the team. I'll go look for someone tolerable to be in our team, kay?" I asked them directly not beating around the bush. With these two I don't feel the need to keep up with the cutie-pie act, so I get a little too casual with them. Not like they mind it tho, in fact they quite like it.

"Huh? Sure, go ahead. Just make sure whoever you bring isn't too annoying or dumb." Gary answered expectedly.

"Hey! Don't be like this guy! That's not very nice of you to talk about other kids like that! I'm sure they can't be that bad, right?" Ash, being the good boy he is, tried to reason with us.

"Oh my sweet big brother ~ let me tell you that us three are smarter than the kids around our age, specially me with all my knowledge of my previous life. So dealing with kids who actually behave their age would be very annoying." I explained our reasoning to Ashy.

He just gave us pout and muttered a small 'fine' cause even he knew he can't argue with that.

After that I went out in hope of finding Serena. And it didn't took long to find the honey blonde girl wearing a straw-hat and a pink summer dress, standing alone under the shades of the tree shyly. On the first glance anyone could tell that she didn't want to be here.

'Found her!~'

I went up her very excitedly, but making sure not to overwhelm the shy girl.

"Hey, excuse me but I wanted to ask you if you already have a team?" I politely asked her, keeping my excitement to minimum on external.

Startled at my sudden voice she turned towards me and replied very shyly, "Huh-h! Umm... I-i don't h-have a team yet... I was h-hoping for the professors to put me in one...".

She avoided eye contact while fidgeting with her hands as she spoke, making it a cute scene to watch... damn I really got some serious competition for the title of the cutest kid.

I was squealing at her cuteness internally, but for the sake of not making her uncomfortable I didn't let it show.

"Then would you like to join me and my friends? We need one more person and we thought it's better to look for one ourself then having the professors choose one..." I explained to her, hoping she'll agree to it.

"W-why me? You don't even know me..."

"You seems lonely standing here all alone... but if don't want to join then it's alright too!"

"Umm no it's alright, I'll join your team then if it's really okay."

"Yea!! Let's go so you can meet the others too! My name is Elisa but you can call me Eli if like!"

"Okay, we also need to get my stuffs before we go. Thank you Eli, and my name is Serena it's nice to meet you."

After our chat we took Serena's luggage back to the cabin room where Ash and Gary were waiting for us.

"Hi guys! This is Serena, she'll be our roommate now! And Serena, this is my twin brother Ash and our best friend Gary!" I excitedly introduced them to each other.

"U-um hey... I hope you are okay with me being here..." Serena said very softly as give them a shy wave while avoiding eye contact.

"Hmm... you don't seem annoying or dumb like the other kids here, so I guess you're alright. Good choice Eli." Gary said, pleased with not having to deal with anyone annoying.

"Hi Serena! Just ignore Gary, he's like that with mostly everyone! And it's very nice to meet you!!" Ash, like always, said very cheerfully.

I can already tell this summer camp will be very chaotic... and I absolutely love chaos!


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