Chapter 12: Cohabitating - Saturn

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The next morning was hell. Hell of the worst nature. I got to bed late and woke up early, leaving me with a massive headache. Hoping to alleviate some of the pain in my head, I took a shower. I made damn sure to thoroughly wash my face and condition my hair. The high salt content of the wind coming off the ocean always left my eyes puffy and my hair dry.

After my shower, I got out and wrapped up in my robe, before heading to the kitchen to make some coffee, only to discover that the container was empty. I could feel my blood start to boil. I had a massive headache, my eyes were swollen and whatever useless god decided on our existence thought that, in this state, I would be best without caffeine.

"FUCK," I yelled, throwing the empty plastic tin across the kitchen where it slammed into the wall next to the front door. Resting my elbows on the countertop of the island, I leaned down and pressed the heel of my hands into my eyes.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Noah came shuffling out of his room, hair wild and eyes glassed from sleep.

"I'm fine, Noah, go back to bed," I muttered, knowing he wouldn't listen to me.

I heard him grunt in response and I looked up a moment later, expecting him to be picking up the coffee container with a snide remark only to find that he was nowhere to be seen. He must've actually gone back to bed. I felt my chest get heavy at the thought and only became more enraged with myself.

"Fucking lovestruck idiot," I muttered before marching across the kitchen and picking the container up and throwing it in the trash.

Still in my robe, I grabbed my cell phone from my bedside stand and marched to my office. Dropping myself down into my office chair, I jammed the enter key down until my two monitors came to life and I signed in. I spent an hour checking over my own finances before emailing my lawyer and asking about my finances. He got back to me and answered my question within minutes, so I called him.

"Jim - man, hey. What're you doing right now?" I said when I heard the line connect.

"Saturn - hello to you too, good morning. Oh, yeah I'm doing great by the way," he said, chuckling into the phone, "Things are slow right now. What cause have you found to save now?"

I laughed and told him what I was thinking of doing, and per usual, he told me how bad of an idea it was and I ignored him, but he drew up my papers and sent them over to me. I spent about an hour looking them over before I called the one person who I knew could help me with my quest - Folio.

He picked up on the third ring, groaning into his phone, "If you're calling me at seven in the morning, Noah better be dying."

"He's sleeping actually, I have an idea - may be a bad one and I need your help. How fast can you get over here?" I asked chuckling back into my own phone.

He hummed for a minute, "If I can bring Nick, twenty minutes. If not, I'll need an hour."

"Bring him and make it fifteen," I said before hanging up the phone.

As soon as I was off the phone, I set to work shuffling some money around and pulling up some of the forms I'd need and getting them printed off. Just as I was about to print the last form, I got a text.

Fucker #1: We're at the front door. You said Noah was sleeping and we didn't want to wake him.

Me: On my way.

I shot up from my seat and quickly walked out of the office and to the front door. Opening it, I put a finger to my lips to let them know to stay quiet. When they were both inside, looking half dead, I closed the door and motioned for them to follow me.

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