Chapter 12: Cohabitating - Day 9

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--- Sorry Noah's POV is so much shorter than Saturn's. It's been a long few months and I had to thoroughly reacquaint  myself with the story and this was one of the hardest Noah POVs to write out of the whole damn thing. ---Saturn - Day 9

This morning was much easier than yesterday. Today, I feel like I can breathe and my head doesn't feel so heavy. Well, it didn't feel heavy until I tried to sit up, only to be held down by my hair. Hissing and turning to figure out what was trapping me, I almost wound up on the floor. Noah. He's what's got me trapped.

Somehow, I am not in my bed; I am in his. And he's got a pillow trapped in his arms like it's his tether to the mortal plane. My hair just so happened to have been on that pillow.

"Noah," I hissed, not wanting to startle him, but wanting him to release my hair, "Wake up."

He didn't.

"Noah," I said a little louder, but still getting no reaction. I groaned to myself before shoving him lightly, "NOAH."

He bolted upright with wide eyes before he registered that it was me that woke him, "What the fuck was that for?" He groaned, rolling away from me and laying back down.

"Fucker, you were laying on my hair. I couldn't get up," I said, shuffling to the edge of the bed before standing, "How did I even get in here anyway?"

He grumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"Sorry, I don't speak gremlin, I'm going to need you to be a little bit louder," I chuckled before checking the time on my phone.

He lifted his head slightly before speaking again, "You had another nightmare and came in here still crying so I let you crash over here instead of putting you back to bed again."

I nodded, even though he couldn't see me, "Thank you. For that, and for yesterday. I'm sorry I didn't help with dinner, but I think you may be onto something with the whole 'emotional exhaustion' thing."

He nodded into the mattress before dramatically sighing and flopping across the bed, "I'm not going to be able to go back to sleep," he paused for a moment, staring at the ceiling, "What time is it?"

"Like six-thirty," I responded, "I'm going to go shower and get ready for the day."

I turned to walk out of the room when he interrupted me, "Use mine."

I looked at him over my shoulder, "What?"

"Use my shower, you still haven't cleaned the glass in yours," he said, still not moving to get out of bed.

"The showers have separate hot water tanks, so if I use your shower, you'll have to wait a few before you take yours or it'll be cold. Is that okay with you?" I didn't want to intrude on whatever morning routine he had.

He just nodded before sitting up, groaning the whole way, "I took one last night, so I'll be okay."

I nodded again before walking back into the room. I stopped next to where he had situated himself on the edge of the bed before kissing him softly on the cheek, "Thank you."

With that, I made my way into the bathroom and shut the door behind me.

I tried to shower quickly, but I did have to wash my hair or I wouldn't make it through the day without looking like the ultimate grease ball. With my hair wrapped up in a towel and one wrapped around my chest, I stepped out of the shower. The whole room was steamed up and smelled like citrus and honey.

I was almost certain Noah didn't usually smell this way, but I liked it. It was sweet and warm and just nice. Smiling to myself, I pulled open a drawer in search of his hairbrush but couldn't find it. Shutting the drawer, I pulled on the towel and let my hair down before scrubbing it to dry it the best I could.

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