Chapter Fourteen

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The Hunter woke up suddenly to the sound of voices and someone putting something on his face. He scoots back as Zoey touches the raw skin around the Hunter's eyes with a cotton swab.

"Shhh it's okay. It's just going to help it feel better." Zoey assures him, as Alice stands next to her.

"It'll make the boo boos all better daddy!" She says brightly, and the Hunter has no choice but to accept it. Whatever it is, it's making his skin less itchy by the second. "I told them how you scratch a lot! And miss Zoey here said she could help!" God when did Alice get so damn cute? Who knows! 

The Hunter tries to get his vocal cords to work, but even the screams and growls he normally makes have been getting harder for him to do. He can only nod in thanks. Why does the Green Flu have to so painful? 

"Siiiiiistoooooor." He hears, and the laughing tells him the Jockey is nearby. "Weeeeeeee hahahah!

"Of course, we can't leave because of the damn Jockey outside. For fucks sake. I hate Jockeys, and stairs!" Francis says angrily. 

"Zoey says Francis hates everything daddy! How is that possible? He has to like something!" Alice says as she sits in the Hunter's lap, and plays with his hands. Despite the killer claws attached to his finger tips, he's gentler than a mother with a newborn when he's with Alice. Zoey finds it inspiring. 

"I don't know, Ali, but I know I am tired of hearing Francis list the things he hates." Zoey laughs as she talks. "So, plan it to stay here and make sure you two are clear from the other group of survivors before we escort you upstairs to where you guys are staying. We will be perfectly safe in here, as long as another tank doesn't show up. I'll keep my eye out for the Smoker and Witch that was with you guys, but so far, we haven't seen them at all." 

"Daddy can Zoey play with us?" Alice says, ignoring Zoey's word. The Hunter nods tiredly. He leg hurts a lot. 

The Hunter sighs, not really up to playing, but he lays on his back and lifts Alice into the air, making her feel like she's flying. Her giggles and joy even make Francis' heart warm up just a tiny bit, but he will never admit that. 

"Unfortunately, we're gonna be here for a while. With your injury, you aren't going anywhere for a few days." Bill says gruffly, lighting up a cigarette. That's not exactly what the Hunter wanted to hear, as all the survivors make him uneasy, and not that he's injured, he's even more uneasy than normal. But he can't do anything about it, he has to keep Alice's best interests in mind, since she is too young to make that kind of choice. 

Thankfully, it seems like the group has enough food to make it through the next few days without needing to resupply. But with the gunshots in the distance, it looks like the other group of survivors is nearby still. Hopefully they don't turn back this way. Well, the author will make a longer chapter next time, but in the mean time, have a cliff hanger!

The sound rumbling sound in the distance immediately puts the whole group on edge. 

"Oh no, I hope that's not another super big guy! He really hurt Daddy last time!" Alice's voice is laced with fear.

"Let him come, I got a grenade launcher with his name on it!" Francis says, excitedly.

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