Chapter Nine

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When Alice woke, she was wrapped tightly in the blanket, while the Hunter was curled around her and the blanket. She looked up at him, noticing he was watching her. She smiled at him, like nothing had happened, ah childhood innocence! Something I doubt anyone reading this still has! She had completely forgotten her nightmare at that point, and she tried squirming her way out of the blanket but the Hunter held her closer as she did, making her efforts useless. She huffed, pouting a little before curling up against the Hunter.

The Smoker watched them, with a gentle look of yearning, like he was missing something from his past. He felt like this was taken away from him a long time ago. Like he lost it before he became infected and lost all of his memories. He would remember them if it happened due to the infection. He has all his memories from when he first opened his eyes after being turned by the infection, but nothing from before.

He sighed, looking away before the jealousy came and ate him alive.

The Witch noticed and walked out to the balcony where he was. 

"You looked like you were upset?" The Witch inquired.

"Yeah I'm not too sure why... I feel like I had that once, before I lost it." He laughs bitterly, though it made him cough. "Perhaps in my past life I had a sibling?"

"I did, but I don't feel like that at all. I can remember how little my sibling was, but I was never like that with them, never looked like that with them."

The Smoker looked at her, before speaking, "Then a lover? No, that wouldn't make too much sense would it? But what else could it be? Why do I-" He paused as it dawned on him.

"What? Smoker, what?" The Witch asked, very concerned as he began his equivalent of crying had started.

"I... A.. A child... I was a father.... I... I had a son..... I remember his smiling face as we played and his mother taking him from me.... But I can't remember anything else. Not even his name.."

"I'm sorry. We all remember things we don't have anymore but it's not like we can go back. Let's just hope she will turn so the Hunter doesn't have to remember her dying or anything of the like."

"You're not wrong. He doesn't deserve that," He wiped his eyes, before going on. "Nobody at this point does, with the infection in all of us and most of us don't realize it. Hell I doubt he does. It's hard to tell."

The Witch patted his shoulder before walking back inside. He sighed and stayed out on the balcony the whole night.

The Witch sat in her new closet, which was a walk-in, and surrounded herself with the things inside to make a comfortable resting place. She smiled softly to herself as she laid down, and for once, fell asleep.

The Hunter had over-heard some of their conversation, but chose to not talk about it or let them know he heard. He smiled gently at Alice. He listened gently as rain started to fall. He never knew why it was so calming but it was, it helped him relax as things got darker as the sun went down, as at least it will help him with the echolocation he had to use as the sun goes down.

He always felt like he was missing something, he remembered nothing about who he was all he knows now is who is. He hungers for those that look like him, growls like a demonic animal, has claws he used mostly to tear his own body apart, his dark hoodie, he couldn't remember if it was purple or blue, was slightly torn up. He couldn't really see it as well anymore, not after clawing his eyes to the point he has lost nearly all of his night vision.

Learning to adjust to the new properties of his body was weird. He can jump so high, but can jump higher than that safely while crouched. He had actually nearly broken something in his leg while getting used to his new abilities but it still hurts slightly the jump from high up.

His eyes were covered in wounds and everytime he touched them they hurt and were itchy, causing him to reopen wounds near them. He figured out recently however that he can rub his eyes to help out without opening new wounds. Speaking of which, he reached a hand up to scratch his cheek bone down to his jaw, but he stopped right before he went for a third itch, and decided to rub the itch away, before he tore his face open.

He found it odd, the sores on his skin, he hated them. He always tore them open, watching the liquid in them drain out. He had many scars on his body, all from him. He preferred to avoid people due to a disliking in loud noises, he only ever picked out lone people which wasn't hard to do. They tend to split up, or the dead bodies left by the military work too. He didn't need food every day, but he did need every so often. He yawned gently, closing his eyes. He still quite grasp what he liked so much about Alice, but he didn't dwell on it. And so, he ended up falling asleep.

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