Chapter Four

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Waking, Alice yawned. She noticed the Hunter wasn't there, but that the Witch was calmly watching her. She got up, her small body shaking. She pulled her blanket off the bed, and wrapped herself up in it. She walked over to the Witch, and sat down in front of her. She wanted someone to talk too, and so far the Witch listened the most, especially with recent rise in hostility between the Hunter and Smoker. 

"Where is Dad..?" She asked tiredly, 'Dad' being the Hunter. The Witch understood more of her speech, and knew she could jester to things to explain them to Alice, holding a better understanding than the other two. She pointed at the bag, the food stock, and spot where the water bottles normally were. "Getting more stuff?" She watched the Witch nod, Alice yawned again, and hummed softly. She curled up into the cold side of the Witch, but she still felt a warmth, of sorts. She knew that they were sick, yet for some reason they didn't mind and didn't want to harm her. It was this reason that the Witch rarely made physical contact with her. She tried to wrap the blanket around both of them, with little luck.

The Witch felt thankful for it, but couldn't help much without shredding the blanket, so she just watched. 

Alice sighed, sleepy. She wasn't feeling very well, her head hurt a bit. Her throat also hurt, but she was relativity okay. She relaxed a bit, before grabbing the Witch's arm, and looking at her hand. She bent her fingers, and straightened them, before moving her wrist. She was very careful when she was looking at the Witch's claws, carefully looking  at each one before moving to the next. She would point out little things she noticed in them, like what little cracks she found, or how fun it would be to paint them, and what could be done to care for them better.

She then grabbed the Witch's other hand, and did the same thing. Once done, she turned to the body of the Witch and began to look at it, looking at the discoloured skin and hurt spots, and scratches. 

All over her body were discoloured spots, like bruises. Over her stomach was the worst patch, it had cuts and a few bullet wounds in it, the others did not. Alice gently ran her over it, curiously she looked up at the Witch. She had seen someone else who had done something similar to themselves before, and she didn't like it. The Witch was watching her, confused. Alice leaned forward and kissed it, suddenly.

"All better!" She smiled, brightly. "Right?" She held great hope in her eyes. The Witch nodded slowly, somehow a soft smile found it's way to her lips. She was getting attached to Alice, to her surprise.

She watched Alice kiss each wound on her arms, and stomach but nowhere else in order to 'make them feel better' before she looked at the Witch's face, studying it. She poked at the Witch's kinda cold cheek, before looks at her nose.

The Witch has a slim bridge of her nose, and thin, cracked, dry lips which hide sharpened canines and a blood stained tongue, which vampire like teeth, perfect for tearing meat to shreds. Her eyes were a deep burgundy.

So, in return, the Witch decided to study the face of Alice as well. She had a small nose with a slightly thick bridge, and warm cheeks with soft skin and light freckles. She had slightly plump lips, like the Witch did before her infection. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue, her skin was rather pale. Alice had vampire like teeth as well, just not being as sharp.

Looking at Alice's hands, the Witch carefully grabbed one and looked at it. The warmth flowing through her soft skin was nice to feel. She had a purple colour on her nails but it was peeling, so her natural nails were showing through. Her hands were mostly unharmed, just some accidental scratches from the claws of both the Witch and Hunter and carpet burn from the ground.

She let go of Alice's hand and then gently put her hand on Alice's head, and was surprised to see Alice lean into the Witch's clawed hand. However, she suddenly felt very off. Something did not feel right. She moved her hand and looked towards the door which was left open. She heard soft 'thudding' in the distance. She stood carefully, holding Alice while trying not to hurt her. She holds Alice close and out of the view of the door while looking out of it, keeping the blanket there to keep Alice hidden, she listened again. The thudding was on the floor below them.

"The Tank?" The Witch thought, worry filling her. This young child had replaced the whole in her heart from her life, she remembered a little one that would call her 'sister' and Alice had filled the whole she had after the illness completely destroyed her sister's insides, not even being able to turn her. She decided she would protect Alice with what was left of her life, not even being able to remember what her name was, she wanted to save Alice however.

"What is that sound?" She heard Alice whimper. She knew Alice could read the worry and hostility flowing through the Witch's body due to the thudding sound. She looked at Alice and gently set her down. She pointed to her bag and the bed, telling Alice to pack. The Witch has to get Alice out of there.

"What is going on?" She heard the Smoker say.

"The Tank is on the floor below. I have to get Alice out, please go check to make sure before we leave that it is safe." He nodded, and left. She turned back to Alice, who had grabbed all her stuff by that point.

After about 15 minutes Alice felt scared. The Witch was worried. The Smoker had not returned yet, and the thudding had stopped, meaning they had found each other. The Witch was holding Alice again, standing in her closet with the door largely closed. Her body was shaking, and the Hunter had not returned yet, making things worse. This, this was worrying the Witch severely.

She did not know what was about to happen, she was just hoping the Hunter or Smoker returned soon, so she could get Alice to safety.

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