Chapter Twelve

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Waking up, the Hunter found himself clutching Alice, who was still asleep on the rooftop, he was unsure of how much time had passed. He slowly got up, setting her down and wrapping her up in a spare blanket, while he dug through the supplies for something to wrap his leg with. He growled as he dug the bullet out of his leg, then wrapped his leg in some medical wrap he'd found in a first aid kit he'd taken. Then he crawled over to Alice and gently woke her up.

"Daddy?" She tiredly asked, "is it time to go home?" He nodded, grabbing the new backpack. She got herself strapped in and he picked her up and put her on his back. He limped his way to the edge of the rooftop, looking about to find the safest route home with his leg. He was also on alert to ensure they didn't have another encounter with that group of survivors. He began jumping from roof to roof, moving between close ones so he doesn't fall. 

The Hunter ducked when he heard some gunfire, and voices. He couldn't tell who they belonged to, but he knew one thing for certain, he wasn't looking to find out. He hushed Alice gently, who was starting to cry, worried that he'd be hurt again. 

"It's.. o..kay..." The Hunter spoke, in a very strained voice with broken English. Alice started to calm down quickly, hiding herself in her blanket. He started moving again, slow and quiet, with the hotel in view, pausing when he heard anything strange. He peaked to see if it was safe to move, seeing.. something new. It was large, in overalls, from the angel he had, he could swear it only had one arm. Nearby was this woman, he made sure Alice couldn't see her. Her jaw was gone, and falling from her mouth was a green liquid, he gently moving to get down to ground level, wanting to investigate and see if they would help him get to the hotel safely. 

He hid behind the dumpster, watching them carefully, listening to her gurgle and spit up the green liquid, and him pace back and forth, as though he couldn't sit still. Suddenly, they began rushing off, as even the Hunter could hear voices. He took this chance to rush by, to get to the ground floor entrance of the hotel. As he left the alley, he watched the large one charge at and pin a survivor, the white suit one. Then he was spit on by the jawless girl. The Hunter just shook his head and moved, almost to safety. 

"Hey! It's still alive! Get the girl!" The Hunter stopped to raise his hands up, to stop them from hitting his face as they missed the first shot since they'd aimed for where he would have been had he kept moving. Alice was shaking, so was he. The girl aiming at him stopped as a strange little thing, he remembered hearing about this one, laughed and jumped on her back, clawing her face and leading her away. The girl spit between the Hunter and the two free survivors, and put herself between them.

"GooooooOooo, Jockey told us. Protect the pup." She spoke, it was raspy and strained, but stern. The Hunter wasted no time, and prepared to properly leap for the doors, the big one dropping the white suit the charge the survivor who was rushing the girl. The Jockey got off the girls back as she fell to the ground, screaming for help. The Hunter leaped, nearly missing his landing as he rushed inside, remembering how Alice taught him to try pushing and pulling open doors like these, rushing inside and collapsing in the lobby. He looked up to see the safehouse, meeting eyes with the other group of survivors. He shrunk back, pulling his leg to his chest, trying to get it to stop bleeding. 

"Shit! Come here!" Zoey spoke quietly, helping him to his feet and into the safe room, where they unloaded Alice and got her some food. "Jesus, there is another group of survivors."

"Still think trusting this thing is a horrid idea." The biker spoke.

"He's kept her alive this long hasn't he? You forget that he helped us kill that tank Francis? Please, stay here for a bit." She started to apply pressure to his leg, and he growled out in warning. "It'll help the bleeding stop. Please, just relax." 

"Hey sweetheart! Do you know where you stay?" Louis asked Alice, as he gave her some water.

"We stay here, but on a reaaally high level. I think.. the numbers were 1 and 4! And the room had numbers too! Auntie showed me the numbers and had me tell them to her!"

"Auntie? Okay, well, once it's safe, we'll get you both back up there. Hopefully an elevator still works." He smiled and patted her head. 

"At least it's good to know the other group just left this safehouse, they shouldn't be turning around anytime soon. I hope. Alright, just keep this here and it should stop the bleeding, I am going to set up a place for you to properly rest before we take up to the room okay?" Zoey spoke, watching the Hunter nod. This was going to be a long night.

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