Chapter One

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Alice's parents scrambled around the house. They knew they had to pack light. Alice was asleep upstairs, not knowing her parents were packing. Her father was about to run upstairs but a crash sounded and his wife forced him to leave his daughter behind. He cried and cried but knew he couldn't save her in time.

Alice woke up when she heard the crash, she tiredly called for her father, but heard a growling instead. She froze and hid under the blankets on the bed, hoping to hide herself from whatever was in her home. She looked down and noticed that she was still in her school clothes. Black pants and a shirt. She slowly reached for her shoes but couldn't reach them. She pulled her arm back when she heard another growl, and then another. She began to cry silently. Another sound was heard and she whimpered as she knew it was right next to her.

The Hunter snarled as he knew a human was in the room he was in, but stopped when he heard the whimper of someone little. He looked at the bed and put his hand on it. A little form was seen as the little one moved and let out a small yelp. He pulled the blankets down and saw a crying pup. He looked around and found a hoodie.

It was black, the only color Alice's mother would let her wear.
He put it on the crying pup and held it close. He noticed it was a female. He held her on his lap and made sure she looked right. He looked around and found some shoes and struggled to put them on. The girl helped him. He put her hood up and picked her up.

"Can I get some stuff? I want to keep somethings like my blankets and stuff." Alice asked in a small voice that sounded like it wasn't used very often. The Hunter grabbed one of her blankets and wrapped her in it and then went downstairs after she walked downstairs.

She got pop tarts, cookies, oranges, apples and a couple bottles of water and put them into a small bag with a cooling thing and put her blanket in there as well. The Hunter picked up his pup and left the house. Her father saw the Hunter and stepped back but saw his daughter in his arms. He was about to yell but his wife stopped him.

"We can't risk it!" She snapped and he gave up. He left and his daughter felt betrayed. She cuddled further into the Hunter to not cry. She sniffles and the Hunter starts to move faster. He takes her to a safe place and sets her down and lets her relax.

She stood up and hugged him, smiling. She began to hum and sing lightly. She felt him hug her back, and then he fixed her hood.

She giggled and nuzzles her face into his neck.

The Hunter in return nuzzled her and held her closer. She smiled and opened her bag, pulled out her blanket and wrapped it around both of them. She laid on the Hunter and he put his clawed hand on her. She giggled and relaxed but they both heard gun shots outside.

Alice huddled further against the Hunter and began to cry. She didn't like the noise and had sensitive hearing. The Hunter held her closer and began to try to get her to calm down, as he didn't like the noise either. Then the survivors voices began to get close. He knew they had to hide, because the survivors would kill him and take the pup, so he got up and began to leave. He stopped when the survivors entered and saw him holding the pup. They began to carefully approach them and put their guns down.

"Hey, can we see her for a moment?" Zoey asked and the Hunter took a step back. Alice curled further into his chest. Zoey stopped, seeing how the girl trusted him. Alice didn't look at the survivors. The Hunter took another step back, holding Alice closer to him.

"Can we go?" Alice asked quietly. The Hunter carefully stepped away from the survivors when the familiar sound and theme of the Tank was heard. The Hunter used this time of panic to escape with his pup. They went to a secluded place that was pretty far from the old place.

He set Alice down and fixed her hood. He wrapped her in her blanket and curled up around her. She smiled and got comfortable and fell asleep.
Seeing this, the Hunter smiled and got comfortable before falling asleep next to his new pup.

Small Little Pup; Hunter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now