Chapter Seven

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Claws ready, the Hunter dug them as deep as he could into the thick muscles of the Tank, before tearing down, and then repeating the action, while the Tank tried to get him off and the Witch clawed harshly at him. He punched her, getting her off him momentarily, which let him rip the Hunter off him and throw him, then charge him. This is where the Smoker stepped in, wrapping his tongue around the Tank, letting the Hunter get back up, and the Witch charged the Tank again. The Hunter was quick to get back onto the Tank, however, this time he decided to claw at his face, but everyone stopped once the gunshot sounded. There was the survivors, and Zoey had Alice safely behind her with a sniper pointed at the Tank. 

"Run, leave him to us, and get her to the rooftops!" Bill yelled. The Hunter smiled, and clawed the face of Tank as hard as he could before jumping off, and rushing to Alice. He grabbed her and their stuff, before jumping to the roof. The Smoker was quick to get up there as well while the Witch was not giving up just yet. 

Zoey fired again, getting Tank to try and go after her, while Francis unloaded his shotgun into the Tank's already wounded back. Bill was helping, and Luis was working to get up top and make sure that Alice was truly okay, and that everything was fine with everyone. He made his way up, and got to the top, and the roof before looking at Alice. She had run over to them, and begged them to help. He looked at Alice before pulling out bandages and treating Alice's wounds under the watchful eye of the Hunter. Once done, he turned to see the Witch tearing into the inside of the Tank through the wounds the Hunter had left. She was tearing through all the muscles, and now tearing apart the organs. 

Alice was curling up into the hoodie of the Hunter, tiredly. In response, he gently picked her up and held her close to his chest. He was surprisingly warm, not as cold as he normally was. Though this was probably due to the events that had just taken place. She was smiling softly, thankful to be back in the Hunter's arms. She softly yawned, happy with her situation, before she gently fell asleep.

Upon noticing that Alice was asleep, the Hunter held her even more gently then he had been, almost like she was a delicate little rose, still alive in the hellish landscape they were in. He gently walked down through the building while holding her, letting her sleep before reaching the Smoker who had calmed the Witch down, somehow. She calmed completely when she saw that Alice was fine. But she still kept her guard up, because of the survivors. She was covered in blood, but thankfully the rain had started to fall, helping to clean her a little. It also, however, woke Alice.

"It's raining.." She said softly. "The rain comes and washes everything away, and I think that's why some people don't like it, but for others, they need the washing.." Zoey looked at her, with a strange look on her face. 

"What has this child been through?" Zoey mumbled under her breath, before she had to rush off with the other survivors. Alice was looking at the sky, her blue eyes cloudy and happy. She smiled at the Hunter when she looked at him, she kissed his cheek, and then laid her head down on his shoulder. She looked around, looking at everything around her. The Witch was still looking at the sky, wondering where the rain was coming from. She looked to the Smoker, who was rolling his shoulder, because it was in pain. 

The Hunter was looking forward, as the sky darkened he commonly couldn't see properly, due to having clawed at them, so he used echolocation to see better in the dark. 

"Papa, can we go home..?" She asked, tiredly. She rubbed her eye and leaned her down onto the Hunter's shoulder, it was evident she was still very tired. He nodded softly, something he had picked up from her of course, and then walked slowly with the Hunter and Witch back to the hotel room where they reset up everything, and laid Alice down on the bed.

The Hunter sat down and looked at Alice, it had been a few weeks and she had already grown longer hair. She also grew a little taller. He just looked at her, for the longest time. It went on to the point it worried the other two infected. He slowly laid down, curling up around Alice.

He wouldn't let either of them within five feat of her. After that day, he just needed to be extra cautious for a bit. He held her, not really noting the strength he uses, and yet, it didn't bother her. He slowly drifted into a restless sleep, the Smoker and Witch keeping away, allowing him some form of peace.

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