Chapter Five

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The Hunter was searching through the store, looking for something that was not rotten. While he hadn't retained his ability to speak, he had retained his ability to read, surprisingly. He growled as he gave up with this place when he stopped next to the clothing area. Alice was rather small but probably needed some more clothing. He decided to grab some for her and put them into his bag he had taken after seeing how Alice used hers, he decided to do the same.

He took some dark clothing, but he couldn't quite remember what the exact colour was called. He also took another pair of shoes, remembering the number he had seen on her current ones. Then, he left. He had found very little food that wasn't rotten.

He decided one more stop before returning. He had traveled pretty far and had been for a long time, Alice was probably already up by that point. He went to the next place he knew had things and entered within minutes. He looked around, this place seemed to be relatively untouched, to his surprise. He just sighed and began his search, and thankfully most of it seemed to be things he could read and could tell were still good. He grabbed mac n' cheese, some apples, a bunch of bottles of water, and more. His bag was stuffed and rather heavy, though it did not bug him. While his legs were much stronger than his upper body(obviously, seeing as he can leap nearly 3 stories high, no pun intended), however he was still much stronger than the average man, seeing as how he could rip through a man or woman's chest with ease. 

He sighed, and once more tried his vocal cords, trying to get the training of them he knew was there. He knew he was not the only one trying this, but he just could not stop himself, he wanted to be able to properly talk with his young pup, and he knew he was not the only Hunter to adopt a child, but he had seen only one other adopt an uninfected child that had not turned at all and he was completely unsure if Alice could even become infected or was already infected. He was hoping that Alice and the Witch would be able to work together to get her vocal cords to be more coherent so the Witch could help him out. 

He heard voices and quickly got out of there, only to run into the survivors right as he was leaving. He froze, and carefully pulled the bag closer to him chest, he had yet to put it on his back. If he couldn't make it home, then he was scared of what would happen to Alice. He noted the survivors were also standing still. He slowly turned, and pointed to where some food was still left. He tried to say food but it once again came out as a growl. 

"Is it trying to say something?" Zoey muttered.

"He sounds so horrid." Francis received a growl at that comment. Luis stepped forward and watched the Hunter move out of his way as he went to where the Hunter had been pointing. As he walked Zoey sighed, thinking of why the Hunter had the bag before it clicked.

"Are you the one that we saw with that litt-"

"Guys! There is food over here!" Louis yelled. Francis and Bill went over there.

"Ah, sorry, he interrupted me. As I was asking, are you the Hunter that we saw with that little girl?" She was not surprised when he nodded. "Okay, well, take this, and give it to her if she ever get's ill to the point she is puking but it probably won't work if she is infected." She hands the pink liquid bottle to the Hunter, and watched him read it, before nodding in thanks. He set the bag down, and knelled over it in order to put the medicine into the bag. He then stood and struggled a little to out it on his back and left. 

As he was jumping from building to building, he saw the Smoker, but he seemed hurt so he stopped and decided to see what happened.

"Hey, you okay?"

"No, but I'm not who you should be worried about! The fucking Tank is looking for Alice and the Witch!" He was panting, and in a lot of pain, he had obviously met the end of the Tank's fists. 

"Shit! Do you know where they went?"

"I know the direction, and that they packed a bag of stuff because he was on the floor below, where I met him, and he began yelling, and when I got up there to tell the Witch to run for the fire exit, he followed and saw them, and I met his fists then distracting him from getting to them."

"Alright, we need to move now though, come on, if things get too bad, I get you on my back to get there faster, but knowing the Witch she can get them away, fast and safely long enough for us to get there."

"I was going to say save your energy to save Alice from the Tank, I'll do my best to help and am willing to bet that the Witch will not let him put a finger on Alice, but we do need to get moving now.

"Alright, come on."

"Hope you know he is not going down without a fight, he came looking for the Witch, he apparently has the hots for her."

"Great, let's get moving." The Hunter replied before helping the Smoker walk as needed, hoping they can get there, and soon.

Small Little Pup; Hunter Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now