Chapter Three

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When Alice awoke, the Hunter was gone. But, she was being cradled by the Witch, who was being careful not to hurt her. The Smoker was sitting on the balcony, watching the outside world that was too big for Alice to understand. The Hunter had left to go get more food for Alice.

Alice got out of the Witch's grasp and got her blanket, and sat on the floor, playing with some random thing she found.

The Witch watched her, curiously. Then the Hunter returned, and gave the Witch a bag of sugar he had found. She took the bag and went to the closet. The Smoker went off somewhere, Alice didn't know, and the Hunter just watched her play.

He was surprised, however, when Alice crawled into his lap and kept playing. She then offered for him to play with her. He hesitantly took another toy and began to play with her, after she showed him how. They played for hours, and he had begun to mimic some of the things she said. It reminded Alice of humming when he did.

She giggled as he made the stuffed animal in his hand die, dramaticly. He doesn't know why he did, but he felt like it would be funny. Alice then made her weird stuffed animal follow suit.

The Hunter smiled and picked up the two stuffed animals and made them hug, and Alice then grabbed hers and made it hobble around while singing. She was singing mostly random little noises, and the Hunter did something similar, he just didn't sing.

Alice was having so much fun, and then decided she was hungry and got a pop tart. She held part of it out for the Hunter and he sniffed it, while she had done this before, it was with a different pop tart, and the Hunter mainly let her do this to see her smile and giggle, because he would always scrunch his nose up and pull his head away from the pop tart.

As she ate, she babbled about random things she thought of. Like how her stuffed animals met up once a week for tea, or how she could hold her breath for 15 seconds. She would also say random things she thought about, which tended to be weird, silly, cute, or deeply disturbing.

Today she was going off about how the last tea party for her stuffed animals went.

"Tea. What is tea?" The Hunter wondered. When Alice finished her pop tart, she got right back to playing with the Hunter.

As they played time seemed to stop, it felt like hours when only 15 minutes had passed, Alice was having a lot of fun.

After a few more hours of playing, it started to rain. They thought nothing of it and continued their little game of who knows what. She hummed as they played, the Witch watching them. She was enjoying another bag of sugar. Alice smiled at the Witch, before gasping as thunder sounded outside. The Witch was also unsettled, and hid in the closet again.

When the second bit of thunder struck, there was also lightening. This caused Alice to hid herself in the Hunter's chest. He hugged her, sensing her fear.

"Daddy, I'm scared." She said, shivering, and wanting to cry. The Hunter pulled her closer to him, and stood, closing the curtains before laying down on the bed and curling up around Alice.

He attempted to mimic the words, 'It'll be okay' but he failed. So he decided to hold Alice until she fell asleep, which didn't take too long. He managed to keep her calm and held her close throughout the night. He eventually fell asleep.

The next morning he woke before Alice did, and kissed her forehead. He then carefully pulled her closer. He grabbed the blanket and covered them both with it, it was kind of cold, and he didn't want her to get sick with a cold or something because he has no clue how to treat it.

He insured that Alice was warm and got himself comfortable again. Soon though, the Smoker came in.

"I saw the survivors, we need to be careful." He said. The Hunter sighed. "I also saw a Tank. He was near the entrance of the bottom floor, I doubt he will come up here, but if he does, we ha-"

"If the Tank decides to come up, I will personally deal with him." The Witch interrupted the Smoker.

"I will do what I can to help protect the girl." The Smoker said. "What is her name?"

"Alice, I believe. That's what her stuffed animals call her when she voices them. So I'm assuming that is her name." The Hunter says. The Smoker nods and leaves, while the Witch goes into the hall, before walking around and taking out threats, and looking out for the Tank.

The Hunter got himself comfortable again, and decided to just listen to Alice's breathing. It calmed him. He noticed she had a small smile on her face, and he smiled. Alice was having another one of her weird dreams. He relaxed and felt happy, caring for Alice made him happy.

He carefully rubbed her back, before feeling strangely tired. He had never felt this relaxed, and just wanted to sleep.

He closed his eyes, and felt himself drift to sleep.

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