1. Bouquet

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Her house was trashed, absolutely chaotic and filled with toys and noise and everything she had ever dreamed of. The peace and organised lifestyle had lasted all of two days before both Isabella and Oliver realised they had free reign.

It had been nice, bonding with her son again, relearning who he is, who she is without Tomas. They could be loud and bright and no one would tell them off.

She remembered how naughty both she and Ollie felt the first time he had a bubble bath. They had giggled to themselves as they poured in a quarter of the fancy strawberry scented bubbles that Mor had gifted them. Ollie had shushed her when she laughed too loud and she had splashed him with water.

When he gaped at her, for all intents and purposes an old horrified man, Isabella had wished she had her sister's painting ability so she could capture and immortalise his expression.

That being said her little sister had been quick to help decorate her home. Feyre hadn't quite worked up the courage to enter their house, she had only just gotten used to the coffee shop by the river.

From what Isa understands, Feyre works towards each excursion. Picking a place, planning the time, food she would order and with Rhys and Mors help she would picture locations to make it easier to approach them.

The coffee shop had been a grand achievement that Isabella had celebrated with her by splitting a large slice of cake in that very shop. Just Isa, Feyre wasn't ready for the stress of Ollie just yet so the young boy had been babysat by Cas.

Which was one of the paintings Feyre had gifted her. When they had returned home from their little trip out they had found both Illyrian and child flaked out on the sofa. Cassian draped across the full length, an arm and a leg hanging off the side while Oliver sprawled over his chest.

That painting was hanging in a cluster of small 'action shot' paintings in the hallway. Including a chess game between herself and Rhys, tea with Nesta and a rather odd one of Isabella and Oliver laughing at the shadows twirling around them.

Feyre had enjoyed the challenge apparently, a way to keep her busy and Oliver found his new green themed room filled with funny portraits of dogs wearing hats and ducks wearing boots.

She still remembered his laughter when he had unwrapped the gift. It had been Feyre's housewarming gift to the young boy, along with a few canvas and cheap paints for him to practise with. Mor had apologised, stating that she had tried to convince Feyre to buy him more expensive products but that her sister had only waved her off.

Isa waved Mor off, reminding her that he was only four and had shocking hand eye coordination let alone painting skills.

But oh how his whole face had lit up at the funny pictures. Laughter had rung out loud through the room and all the adults had stopped, admiring the joy and happieness of the little boy. He had giggled quietly to himself, hugging the fox wearing a pink dress to his chest as he peered at the other photos.

Each image elicited yet another round of laughter and Isabella couldn't help but beam at him as well. Her chest had ached with the force of her joy. It had been so long since he had laughed so openly.

Azriel had gripped her hand hard from his seat next to her on the sofa. They had shared a soft look and the understanding in Azriel's gaze had nearly brought tears to her eyes. All three of them had been so worried for him, for how quiet he had been.

He was quiet even now, with Cas laid out on the floor to play with a new toy set that he had bought for the boy. Neither illyrian had minded the change in attitude, only talking to him quietly at first and building up to louder when they normally would have walked into the room loud and unapologetic.

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