5. Interlude for Trauma

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He didn't particularly enjoy leaving Cassian and their mate alone together when they were having a... tiff but Azriel rationalised it as them being grown adults and him letting them sort out their issues.

Which is exactly what he told them.

"Yeah, I'm not doing this." Azriel states, taking his plate to the sink.

"What?" Cassian exclaims, clearly baffled by Azriel's out of character statement. "What are you not doing."

Azriel waves at them with his soap covered fork, "The two of you. You're grown adults, and I am your mate. Not your therapist."

"That is vaguely healthy behaviour but must you chose to be emotionally healthy now?" Cassian sighs and Azriel smirks at his lover. "Isabella and I are fine!"

"Oh we most certainly aren't, pretty boy." Isabella leans back in her chair at the head of the table, sippin from her wine.

Cassian's nervous gulp is audible.

He turns back to Azriel, "Can I come with you?"

The House of Wind was quiet and filled with darkness as he stalked through the halls. Not even the moonlight could make much of dent against the looming shadows that had grown in the High Lord's despair.

Azriel found his brother brooding in his office, chair turned to the large window behind his desk– one that practically invited long distance assassination attempts– and was staring down upon the city of starlight.

For a moment Azriel just leant against the far wall, content to let Rhys take his time.

"Will neither of my brothers leave me in peace tonight?" He sounds tired, weary.

But Rhys has been like that since under the mountain. So Azriel dragged the chair in front of his desk to beside the High Lord. Settling down quietly, content to just watch the city with his brother.

It was a peaceful night. There was dancing in the town square, couples twirling and laughing under the warm glow of the string lanterns criss-crossing between the surrounding buildings. The market was full of a different kind of bustle, less patrons and more shop keepers preparing for the evening turnover as the night market took over from the day.

Even from high up here Azriel could just about hear the music drifting up from Velaris' Opera house. Perhaps it was his imagination more than the reality but this was the city he wanted his mate to see. To have Oliver grow up in.

The one full of local businesses, music, art and life. They had five main universities in Velaris, two specialised in the sciences, three were dedicated to various forms of social studies and the other was for the arts. They were Rhys' pride and joy. During his father's rein there had only been two rival universities. One for science, one for social subjects and they only allowed the high fae entry. It was still a tough battle for inclusion, especially with the running cost of each university forcing students to pay a sum, but they were making progress.

That was the future he wanted Oliver to have. A choice and an education.

Eventually a glass of whiskey clicked down onto the side table next to the shadowsinger. A peace offering of sorts, one conjured up by the High Lord.

"Are you here to threaten me again?" There's amusement lacing Rhys' tone but his brother doesn't bother to hide his exhaustion. "That's a treasonable offence."

"You should call your spymaster then... get him to asses the threat."

The pair slowly turn to each other, sharing a small smile, nothing more than a quirk of the lips before returning their gaze to the city sprawled out before them.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now