10. Late Lunch

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Azriel was out the doorway in seconds when they made it back to the house.

"What happened?" He demands, hand going to Oliver's back to rest on top of Cassian's while he looks at Isabella with open worry. "Are you okay?"

She steps forward, placing a hand on his arm and trying not to admire the rock hard bicep she finds.

"Everythings fine," She reassures him firmly, "Oliver just got a little overwhelmed."

"Thought he'd have an early afternoon nap." Cassian supplies, greet Azriel with a sweet kiss on the cheek that has the Shadowsinger pausing like a frightened deer. Cas turns to Isabella, "I'll take him upstairs."

She nods even though it wasn't much of a question, hiding her smirk as Cassian sidesteps the now blushing Azriel who remains frozen in place. Cassian bumps his hip into Azriel's, sniggering when the shadowsinger stutters back to life with red tipped ears from the force of his embarrassed flush.

Isabella arches a brow at her mate but he looks guiltily at her.

"Azriel," She slowly drawls, voice warning and he closes his eyes with a muttered 'I know'. "If you know, then what am I going to say?"

"To stop stressing and micromanaging." She shifts in place, folding her arms and standing in what Nesta refers to as a classic mum pose. The Shadowsinger winces. "That I should trust my friends more?"

She waits, genuinely having no clue what she would have actually said. Logically, Isabella knew she would have reassured her mate, desperate to keep him calm and happy. But Azriel clearly needs to work on his anxiety and stress so she let him ramble on until his shoulders sagged.

Isabella stepped forward, sliding her hands around his waist and resting her head on his chest, content to listen to his heartbeat as they stood out in the midmorning sun.

"We're fine Azriel." She murmured.

"Ollie's not fine." He mumbled, sounding so broken that her heart clenched. "I should have been there to look after him."

Told you.

Now is really not the time to play the blame game.

"No he's not fine, but that's not on you." It was on her but that's not what Azriel needed to hear right now. He didn't need Isabella to make it all about herself. "Oliver would have had a meltdown at some point, he's a toddler."

"But this one could have been avoided."

"We're not playing the what if game Azriel." She admonishes lightly. Peering up at him and resting her chin on his chest as he cranes his own neck to look down at her. "It's an existing issue he and I are working on."

"Not one caused by my absence." Azriel states with a touch of sadness.

"Don't give yourself so little credit," She huffs, "He adored you but yes, this problem wasn't about you."

Azriel leans down, nestling his head against her neck so she just curls back into him. Letting him hold her and feeling him inhale her scent. Eventually she hears intentionally loud footsteps stop just away from them.

"Everything okay?" Cassian calls out hesitantly, stepping closer once Azriel lifts his head.

Isabella shares a quick look with Cassian, knowing her mate was holding something back from her. Perhaps he would find it easier to talk to Cassian than her. The general nodded, catching her meaning.

"C'mon," Cassian jerks his head towards the house, to the garden out back. "Why don't we go get afternoon tea set up for the female."

Azriel nods, still holding onto Isabella. Cassian waits a second before turning back into the house. Isabella continues to watch Az, wondering if he'll say anything. He doesn't but he nods to himself, pressing a soft kiss to Isabella's forehead that has her eyes fluttering closed.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now