12. Fox in the Chicken Coop

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Isabella froze. She wasn't expecting to see him here and he certainly wasn't expecting to see her here. No, he looked completely gobsmacked or rather horrified to see her in Velaris. She couldn't exactly blame him considering he left her in the human realm.

But her stupor didn't last long as she watched him scan the crowds around them, clearly looking for– well she wasn't sure what he was looking for. Oliver? Her mates? Though he shouldn't know about them. Or maybe he was looking for her mates because they were official figures here.

Either way she didn't stick around long enough to find out.

Feyre was looking after Ol for the rest of the night. He had crashed around 7 when the late night festivities were about to start. Her little sister had never planned to join the crowds so she was happy to have an early night in with Ollie. They were staying at Isabella's house since she had planned on staying there so Cassian and Azriel would have the house of wind to themselves.

She could turn in early for the night. Tell Rhys that she was exhausted and wanted him to fly her back home early before taking Feyre back to the town house with him and Mor.

Foolish thinking since–

"Isabella?" She stuttered to a halt, closing her eyes briefly before– "Wha-what are you doing?"

Lucien sounded so hoarse and desperate that she couldn't help but turn around to face him.

He looked like shit.

Skin wan and pale, almost sickly against his russet hair and that copper eye. The eye that whiring and clicking with whatever magic kept it running. His hands clenched, flexing as if he were fighting the urge to reach out and check she was real.

"Hello Lucien." Her throat bobbed nervously and for the first time she was afraid of the male before her. "It's been a long time since I last saw you and Andras."

She peered over his shoulder, looking for the twin that always made her laugh.

"Where is he?"

Her question only seemed to make Lucien's shoulder sag with a deep sadness. Not sadness, grief. Isabella felt her throat close up. She knew that look. She'd seen it in so many patience eyes, in the eyes of the homeless when she was out looking for a regular that hadn't appeared.

"He's–" He broke off, clearing his throat as he looked anywhere but at her. "What are you doing here Iz?"

"Don't use that tone on me Lucien," she said quietly, doing her best to keep her composure. "You're the one who left me in the human realm."

"We were taken–" He breaks off again, gritting his teeth before turning back to her. "I've been a bit busy taking care of court business. I went looking for you a couple of weeks ago."

"I've not been in the human realm for a while."

He snorts, "Clearly." that eye of his whirls again, scanning her head to toe as his expression changes to something darker. "All I found was a charred body."


She fights the urge to shudder, knowing he was looking for any kind of reaction. From the way his eyes light up with understanding she must have gone pale despite her best effort. Not that she needed to worry about his reaction considering his eyes darken as a cold countenance took over him.

"If you had told me he was an issue, I would have taken care of it." Lucien states and she believes him. "Where is Oliver?"

"Why are you here?" She counters, mimicking his words.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now