2. Cake

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"You're not handling the separation well." Feyre muses and Isabella fights the urge to snap back something along the lines of 'you're shaking like a leaf just because you ordered a different cake' because that would be rude and poking at trauma.

Much like what Feyre is doing to her.

"Azriel will take good care of Oliver," Her sister sighs, exasperated and clearly looking for a distraction. "Besides, they're just across the street. You can look out the window and see them playing in the park."

She could but that's not the point. Isabella shouldn't need to check on her son, she should trust that he is safe with Az. Though that statement implies it's Azriel she doesn't trust– she trusts the Shadowsinger perfectly well, she doesn't trust herself or this new place.

"He's handling Ollie better than expected." She mused, watching as he helped the young boy down a small slide.

Feyre snorts, "You mean he's wrapped around Ollie's finger."

That too.

"They are sweet together." Isabella could feel herself softening, heart warming at the sight of the gruff male helping the little boy. It made her want more kids.

Which she is not doing.

She shakes her head, face wrinkling as she turns back to her chocolate.

No. Bad Isabella.

Just because you've reached the time of month when you're horny and want kids does not mean that it's a good idea.

"Almost makes me want to have a family." Feyre sighs softly and Isabella watches out of the corner of her eye. "But I'm swearing off men– males for a while until I sort my shit out."

What about females?

Isabella tries not to jolt, recognising the little voice of a shadow curling around her ear. It's no doubt been hidden by her hair, probably has a few hiding tricks of its own as well, but... she glances around the coffee shop, checking if anyone was watching her.

Then she glances out the window, trying to distinguish between potential patrons of the cafe and curious fae poking their noses where they don't belong.

They're not watching you.

I know that. She grumbles, politely nodding as Feyre tells her of the latest book she read. Just being cautious.

That's our job, not yours.

True, but old habits die hard.

Besides, why do you want to hide you're with the Shadowsinger.

Because she's already getting enough curious looks as it is, no need to add on a powerful and well known mate into th equation. Sure, the majority of people were welcoming and kind. Especially in the lower markets where no one batted an eye at her presence.

It was just tough with her living situation.

She and Oliver loved their little cottage but their neighbours had lived on the same street for decades or even centuries in some cases. Now they were the fresh meat for them to peck at. Turns out the fae aren't as different to the humans as they would like to appear.

Gossip still runs rife though the streets.

And Isabella was certainly a point of gossip with her half-fae son. Most were curious as to which fae had taken responsibility for her child, must have been someone high up to get her in Velaris– humans weren't very common in a city locked off from the rest of the world, so how on earth did she get to Velaris.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now