9. Lunch Meetings

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She didn't bother to hide the irritated rhythmic tapping of her foot. Admittedly, it matched her crossed arms and angry expression. Well, she was more bewildered and impressed than actually angry, but those ridiculous males didn't need to know that.

Credit to them though for having the intelligence to look like guilty kicked puppies. Well, Cassian looked like a guilt ridden kicked puppy; Rhys looked a smug but guilty cat; and Azriel just mirrored her folded arms unapologetically.

"When I said make up, I did not mean–" She waves her arms around at her kitchen. "This!"

"We'll clean it up."

"Damn right you will." She snaps at Cassian who shrinks back, the shadows warn her in time to jab a single finger at Rhysand's chest. "And you will clean it by hand."

He raises his hands in surrender, eyebrows high in surprise.

"I could clean it more thoroughly with–"

"You will be doing it the human way." She smiles sweetly, daring him to argue with her.

Isabella is smart enough to turn to Azriel, "Will I be getting an explanation?"

"I don't think you want to know." he answers, eyes bright as a smile fights its way onto the shadow singer's face. "You just enjoy breakfast with your sister and we'll have this sorted in no time."

"The human way."

"The human way." He agrees with a placating smile.

"Which takes time." She supplies, smiling sarcastically. "So I expect you to still be working when I get home.

"What if we finish sooner." Rhys grinned, acting like he said the smartest thing ever. "Do we get a reward?"

Isabella stepped forward with a smirk, feeling more confident and light than she had in days at the sight of their getting on. Maybe that's why she smooths out the lapels of Rhys' suit, stepping close enough to feel the heat of his body against her.

"And here I was hoping you'd be able to last all.. day...long," She smirked, stroking his jaw. "But yes, I'll be rewarding myself if you finish too quickly."

His eyes widened, mouth hanging open a fraction. Isabella quickly steps back, not wanting to break the moment. Coat and bag in hand as she strides towards the front door, leaving the three gaping males in her wake.

"Oliver." She calls into the living room and her son quickly races from the room, "What have you done to your jacket?"

He had been ready to go five minutes ago. Now his clothes were in a mess and were somehow dirty. Isabella flinched back in surprise at the loud snap. Rhys winced apologetically but Oliver's clothes were back in place so she was grateful.

"Part one of the apology." he nodded in affirmation and Isabella rolled her eyes in amusement.

It took more effort than normal to scoop Oliver up into her arms. The move had done him wonders, plus a growth spurt and additional weight. Rhys stepped forward as if to help her but she cut him a look, feeling a little stingy about her capabilities as a mother

"Say bye." Isabella prompted with a little shake.

"Bye-bye." Oliver waved the toy bat at Rhys who grinned and echoed the sentiment.

"Don't forget the bats."

"Bye Cas! Bye Az!" Oliver called and she winced at the noise, which meant the fae were also wincing but the illyrians both called out their farewells from the kitchen before the left into brisk spring air.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now