4. Dog House

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"Or do you want to fuck Azriel or I? Because that is the impression I'm getting."

Isabella chokes on air, even Azriel has straightened up. Rhys manages to keep his cool though Cassian can see the way his eyes have widened a fraction, his jaw slackening a little in surprise at his blunt question.

Cassian fights the urge to shift uncomfortably. He's not the one in the wrong here. It's clear Rhys has been pining after his mate for sometime, has been making 'moves' on her even. Or perhaps on...

Well Cassian isn't sure he can bring himself to think of that option even though he mentioned. Because they all knew that they would be dismissing that last statement as a harmless joke. One that would bring the idea of the brothers... well- hooking up... into question. Without actually bringing it into question.

Because Cassian is quite happy to fuck Azriel but Rhys? Absolutely not. That would be... weird.

Isabella has gone bright red, clearly uncomfortable. He almost winces, especially when he realises her attention is on the little boy using him as a pillow. Not exactly the politest conversation topic to start up around a young boy.

For a moment he's reminded of all those insecure little males who would call out their wives, calling them whores and sluts while their sons watched helplessly to stop their mothers' pain. Or worse, learning from their fathers.

The thought leaves a sour taste in his mouth. One that has his stomach roiling.

Rhys starts, "Im going to pretend you didn't-"

"Bullshit," Azriel snaps. "Answer the question."

Rhys turns to Az, widing his eyes meaningfully before glancing at Cassian.

No, Rhys. He hadn't lost the plot, but thank you for having so little faith in him.

Cassian pauses at the thought. It feels a little... ironic? Hypocritical?

"I think it's time we left." Isabella murmurs, sitting up and reaching for Oliver.

"No, Iz-" Cas pleads as he reaches for her.

She brushes him off, shaking her head. "Not now Cassian. I think we've brushed upon enough uncomfortable topics for the day."

Cassian swallows, carefully shifting Oliver up and into his arms. "I'll fly you both home."

His mate goes to reply, eyes apologetic but he shifts Oliver in his arms, holding him just a fraction tighter while staring down at the boy's mother with pleading eyes. Isa hesitates but eventually caves to Cassian's puppy dog eyes.

Or maybe it's the way her own eyes harden with conviction.

He's absolutely going to get a bollocking for this. She is going to rip his head off. Maybe he should offer for Azriel to take them home.

"Azriel and I can finish up the reports." Rhys states, buttoning his suit jacket as he stands. "We can meet for lunch tomorrow to cover anything missed."

The statement hardly leaves any room for argument and Azriel looks calm, too calm, at the prospect of staying with the High Lord after Cassian's little outburst.

He feels like a fucking toddler. Being ignored and waved off as too emotional.

He knows he's too loud and emotional but they've been his friends for centuries. They can get over it.

"It's alright, I'll come back this evening," Cassian meets the High Lord's gaze head on. "There's no sense in dragging these reports out any longer than necessary."

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now