3. Shop Talk

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Oliver was laid out on the sofa at her insistence. Rhys had seemed rather put out by it, wanting to be a 'gracious host' and care for the young mother and her son. Isabella on the other hand wanted to leave at the nearest given moment. Having Ollie closeby would make that easier.

Plus... she had got a little clingy lately.

The new move, the people, and suddenly it was no longer just Ollie wanting to stay closeby. Logically she knew they would have to address the issue soon. In her defence, she had been patiently working up time spent away from her son thanks to Azriel.

The shadowsinger knew something was off with her, might have even worked it out but- again- he'd been too awkward to say anything. It's starting to get a little irritating. Like her fears have become reality.

Turns out dating does ruin a friendship.

None of them knew where the boundaries were anymore. Azriel was trying to be more courteous, dating her in the proper human manner. Cassian was trying desperately to hold himself back while also jumping in head first to the relationship.

And Isabella... well.

Quite frankly, awkwardly sitting across from her sister and shadowsinger while the High Lord holds court with her pretty much sums up her dating life. She had her son snoring on one side, a brooding mate on the other, her sister emotionally cockblocking and Rhysand being Rhysand... whatever that means.

Why couldn't this just go smoothly for once.

"You'll have to come over for dinner soon," Rhys smiles openly, pouring out cups of tea. "Mor and Amren would like to have a proper introduction to you... and we haven't caught up properly in a while."

The last part was said with a directed look to the shadowsinger who was already staring blankly at the High Lord. At her... well her... not-mate?

None of them were particularly sure.

Isabella had hedged an uncomfortable question about the males and threesomes only to be shut down with disgusted snarls and full body shudders. Apparently it was just a Cassian and Azriel thing.

"I thought Mor might join us at the cafe one day." Isabella glanced at her sister, looking for some kind of reaction. "I'm sure Amren could join us."

Azriel snorted, the High Lord winced. Placing down his cup of tea, Rhys placatingly explained. "It would be best to meet Amren with all of us present, in a formal setting."

Isabella arched a brow, if not in question of his explanation then in rebuke of his tone.

"Perhaps you could leave Oliver with a babysitter–"

"That won't be necessary."

She interrupted too fast and Rhys narrowed his eyes. She could practically feel the concern beginning to emanate from the males. Feyre had the kindness to interrupt and start talking about Mor and Amren, wittering on about their personalities and interests.

No one paid her any mind. Rhys and Azriel stared at her, waiting for an explanation but she ignored them both, absently toying with her empty wedding finger as she stared at her son.

He had settled in nicely, she reminded herself. The clinginess was to be expected but he wasn't put off the new place. Which meant this was all in her head and she was being ridiculous.

Doubting herself.

Though that was the wrong statement to. She wouldn't change her decision, not in a million years, but- well... she was scared. Plain and simple. When she could retreat to her home and shy away from the males she was more confident. Not to mention she felt removed from the fae issues.

𝐋𝐚𝐝𝐲 𝐄𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐮𝐬 (Book Two)Where stories live. Discover now