The refusion to vote

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Note: We are still using transcript for this. Sorry about that. I'm skipping some transcript parts as well.

Shuichi: Please...let me know at least one more thing. I have to know something first, before we vote.

Tsumugi: ...What is it?

Shuichi: If hope wins this final vote, and Maki and Keebo will sacrifice themselves...And you Tsumugi, the loser, will also be punished. Correct? What kind of punishment will they receive? Please tell me what it is.


MonoKuma: Why should I tell you? I never said anything about a punishment, did I?

Ishimaru: That's right you see. The punishment isn't the problem now! The problem is-

Shuichi: No, that "is" the problem you see! Because i the punishment is actually what I think it is, then...everything would make much more sense now. Which is why Rantaro actually participated in another killing game you see.

Keebo: Rantaro? What does he have to do with this?

Shuichi: You know that answer, Keebo.

Keebo: M-Me?

Shuichi: If you really are connected to the outside world... then I want you to connect to the answer.


Keebo POV: The final punishment ...If Rantaro participated in the killing game again after surviving, then...the punishment must be...The must be...

Keebo: I got it! You have to participate in the next killing game, right?

Maki: What?

Shuichi: Yeah, I think so. After the final vote, the punishment is to participate in the next killing game. It all makes sense on what Rantaro was talking about.

Rantaro: You wanted this killing game, so you have to win, no matter matter what.

Shuichi: Something similar must've happened in that last killing game, and he was given a choice. He sacrificed himself, and was forced to play in another killing game. What this mean is...if we choose hope here, then the killing game won't end. Tsumugi will still be the mastermind...Keebo will still represent the viewers...and Maki will be the new Ultimate survivor . The killing game will begin all over again! That's why. Don't you see? If hope wins, the killings won't stop! It's "because" hope wins that the killings won't stop! It is what the people want! They want a happy ending! That is why the killing game has gone over 53 times!

Keebo: So the killing game has persist, because hope always wins?

Shuichi: Which is why I reject the hope.

Nagito: But still, even if despair wins, the killing game still won't end!

Keebo: Then...hope has to win, too.

Shuichi: No! Don't you see, its gonn akeep going over and over again!

Keebo: Then what are we supposed to do?

Shuichi: I been thinking, why do we have to go through it again...? The sorrow of losing more of our friends like Kaede and Kaito...Why do we have to feel that sadness over and over again. Why do we have to bear that burden. No matter how much the audience wants it, I'm not gonna feel that way anymore! I don't want anyone to feel the way anymore! Despite the fact the fact that we are all fictional, the pain in my heart is real!

Shuichi: The pain of losing the people I love is real! I am not gonna forgive this game who treated us like toys. So, if this is what the world wants...then I'll reject the world as well! I will fight the world for making us suffering for their entertainment!

Keebo: Fight...the world?

Tsumugi: It doesn't matter what you do because no matter what you do, it will just be fiction to the outside world!

Shuichi: Then I'll just fight the world through fiction!

Maki: Fight through fiction? How?

Shuichi: I....refuse to vote.

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