Part 1.6

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I sat in the common room with my bag on my lap and waited for everyone to go to dinner.

As I waited I decided to do some of my herbology homework. Today's homework was easy since it was only plant recognition based so it didn't take me very long.

As I finished up my homework I realized that everyone had left so it was time for me to enact my plan.

I got up, grabbed my bag, and started heading down to the dungeons.

On my way I made sure that nobody was paying attention to me since it was a little suspicious for a Gryffindor to be skipping out on dinner to go to the dungeons.

Luckily either everybody was already in the dining hall or they were so hungry that all they cared about was getting food. So nobody paid any attention to me.

As soon as I made it to the entrance of the Slytherin common room I started taking the invisibility cloak out of my bag.

I walked close to the wall so that I wouldn't have to say the password too loud.

"Pure-Blood" I whispered.
As soon as I did the wall began to open.
Step one is complete.

I couldn't help but giggle. I was sneaking into the Slytherin common room so I could apologize to a Slytherin boy. I was not expecting to ever be doing this.

As I walked into the common room I put the invisibility cloak on. It was incredibly itchy so I hoped that I wouldn't have to wear it for very long.

As I walked into the common room I had to physically stop myself from gasping.

It was beautiful. There was a massive window that showed into the Great Lake.

The interior was beautiful with a dark academia vibe. There was a big fireplace and almost everything, from the floors to the walls was made from a beautiful gray-colored stone.

Luckily there were no students around so I was able to run up the stairs that I assumed led to the dorms.
Since I didn't know which dorm was reguluses I decided to knock on each of the doors to see if someone answered.

I knocked on about six doors before I heard reguluses voice yell out
"Who is it"
I quickly took the cloak off and put it back in my bag.
Once I did I immediately opened the door.

Regulus was sitting on the floor, propped up against his bed reading a book. He also happened to not be wearing a shirt which completely threw me off.

He was really well built which I wasn't expecting.
I always just thought he was tall and lanky but, apparently not.

I didn't realize I was staring until I heard Regulus say
"Did you break into my room just to stare at me or is there a reason for your trespassing."
"Oh right," I said before clearing my throat.

" look. What I said was really uncalled for. I brought up something that you have never spoken to me about and it would obviously be something that is a touchy subject and I......... I wanted to say I am really really sorry" I rushed, trying to make sure that he wouldn't cut me off.

Regulus just looked at me and smiled slightly.
He snapped his book shut, put it on his bed then stood up.

Jesus Christ. This man was built like a statue.
He started to walk towards me but he stopped about three feet away from me.

"I appreciate the apology but I feel like you didn't have to break into both the common room and my dorm just to tell me that," he said with a slight smirk.

"Well, actually I did since you wouldn't sit next to me in Class. I also have something to give you." I said in a somewhat joking tone.

Regulus raised one eyebrow took a few steps forward and leaned down slightly.
"What do you want to give me" he said

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now