Part 2.18

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Waking up with a massive hangover was not how I wanted to start my weekend. Yet here I was laying in bed with a massive headache and the overwhelming feeling I need to throw up.

Needing water I tried to get up but I was pulled back down by something.

Struggling to open my eyes because of how fucking bright it was I looked down and saw two arms wrapped around my waist.

My eyes go wide,

Holy shit.

Holy shit..

Holy fucking shit!!!!!!!!

I could recognize those hands anywhere.

Im laying in bed with regulus!???

What did I do last night?!??

We didn't have sex right! I'm too young for that!

I slowly lifted the covers just enough to make sure I was fully clothed (luckily I was).

Letting out a sigh of relief I relaxed a bit into his grip.

I could remember most of the night but a lot of it was fuzzy.

I met that goth girl Del and her boyfriend geico, gecko, Greco, Graco, or whatever. I drank, which I'm heavily regretting. But how I got here is a bit blurry.

I mean I'm not complaining, he's very nice to cuddle with but if someone saw me in here. Well, news travels fast and there are certain people I don't want hearing about this.

Carefully I start shimmying down to get out of his grip. When his grip was just loose enough I lifted his arm to get up.

This caused him to start groaning.

"Bloody hell, why is it so bright in here Evan" regulus moaned.

"Uh, probably from the hangover. Also, I'm not Evan" I sighed.

Reguluses eyes went wide.

"Holy shit" he gasped a little too loud for my liking. Everything is so much louder when you are hungover.

I wince a bit " yeah yeah I'm here, but please be a bit quieter" I grumble.

"Right sorry, but holy shit. What are you doing here" regulus fumbles as he gets up.

"That is an excellent question, one that I unfortunately don't have the answer too" I laugh.  This whole situation is so ridiculous. I was not expecting to get up to this much mischief this year.

"So, uh. Good morning then" regulus says, obviously very confused.

"Good morning to you too, now as much fun as this is I definitely need to head back. I hear Sirius has an excellent cure for hangovers" I laugh as I pick up my clothing floor. How I ended up in his clothing is a question for a less hungover y/n.

"Oh could you get me some too" regulus laughs.

"Of course" I smile.

Suddenly we here three knocks on the door. Both of us jump up a bit.

"Oi Reg, you decent or do I need to give you a few more minutes to finish" Evan cackled from the other side of the door.

Both me and regulus look at each other wide eyed.

Without having to be told I dive under the bed along with the clothing I picked up off the floor.

"Nah your good. Come in" regulus yells back to Evan.

The dorm door flings open, "last night was crazy. Evangeline and Pam got into a crazy fight. Chunks of hair were pulled out and I'm pretty sure Pam had her nose ring torn out" Evan says, practically screaming.

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