Part 2.2

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It was 12:05 and I was starting to get worried he wasn't going to show up. Of course, I knew that was kind of ridiculous since it was only five minutes past twelve.

While waiting I leaned against the cold metal railing as I looked up at the stars. It was so beautiful, there was very little light pollution and there were no clouds out. I could see the stars perfectly.

I sighed quietly. A couple of years ago I was looking at the sky and learning the names of the stars, at this point I had met Sirius. I realized that he was named after a star that night and I memorized it's placement so that any time I missed him and the others I could look at the star and be reminded of them.

Tonight though I wasn't looking at Sirius, I was looking at Regulus. I learned the placement of the star over the summer and I looked for it every night.
It was the brightest star in the constellation Leo so it wasn't hard to spot.

I felt an odd attachment to the star.

I was so deep into thought that I didn't immediately notice the presence of a person behind me.

Only when they put their arms on the railing next to each of my hands did I notice them.

I wasn't nervous at all since I knew exactly who it was.

A smile began to play across my face.
"You shouldn't sneak up on people like that regulus. It tends to freak them out" I said as I turned around to face him.

His arms were still on either side of me on the railing.

He was leaned in pretty close which allowed me to look at all his features clearly in the moonlight.
His eyes shone bright as the gentle moonlight hit them.

His hair was moving slightly in the small breeze.

He was gorgeous.

"Well unless you were expecting someone else to show up I had a good feeling I wouldn't freak you out" he joked.

I tried to stifle a small laugh but it ended up coming out anyway.

Regulus moved his hands off the railing and stepped back.

Only when he did did I realize how close we really were, I felt slightly cold without him right next to me.

Even though he wasn't right next to me I could smell him, not in a bad way but in a really good way.
He smelled like a cognac and ember-scented candle.

"So why did you need me to meet you here?" Regulus asked me after a minute of silence.
"Oh right," I chuckled.
I need to get my thoughts in order, usually that isn't necessarily a problem for me but ever since I got back to Hogwarts I haven't been thinking clearly.

More specifically, when I'm around him.
I took a deep breath.

"Remember when I talked to you about the animagus stuff" I started
Regulus just nodded.

"Well I have officially come up with a plan to become one myself, the thing is it is a really long process that will take at a minimum one month." I spent out quickly, I was really worried he was going to think I was either crazy or delusional.

Both of us knew how tedious the transformation process was, and most witches and wizards couldn't accomplish something like this. I just hoped he wouldn't think I was crazy for wanting to try.
"Okay, you want to become one. That's great and all but why are you telling me this?" Regulus asked.

I scoffed

"Isn't it obvious, I want you to help me. I was also thinking maybe you might want to become one as well"
Regulus stood there for a second with his hand on the back of his head.

"Sure, why not" he sighed

Yes yes yes yes yes. He is going to do it with me!

"As long as you have a plan. I'm not going to do this without any preparation. This process can end terribly you know that right" Regulus asked me.
"Don't worry I have everything planned out" I said confidently.

"First we steal the ingredients during potions, then we meet and start the first step of the process. After that we just need to be organized and a little bit sneaky." I told him

Regulus smiled and tilted his head slightly.
"You do realize that isn't a foolproof plan" he commented.

At that moment, for some unexplainable reason, I just wanted to make physical contact with him. I don't know why but I really wanted to.

So I pushed his shoulder with my hand slightly.
"It's more well thought out than that" I giggled.

Did I just giggle? Ew.

Regulus laughed a bit before yawning.
"Well, then you will just have to tell me about it later. I'm exhausted and would like to go to bed if you don't mind" Regulus said.

Of course, I didn't mind but I did want him to stay a little bit longer.

I quickly tried thinking of something, anything, that would keep him with me.
"Umm, I have a question" I stuttered.

Now I need to think of a question

"Which is" Regulus yawned.

Think think think think

" do.... you... Like....cats?"

What the hell? Out of any question on the planet I could have asked I chose 'Do you like cats'

Regulus looked at me and smiled.
"Yes, I love cats. I actually have a stuffed animal of one in my dorm" he said in a joking tone.

"Really?" I asked slightly shocked.
Regulus looked at me for a second before bursting out laughing.

"What?" I asked in a slightly hurt tone.

"Y/n you made it for me. Did you forget you did that" he said while trying to catch his breath.

He kept it.

My heart almost melted right there.
I couldn't help but hug him.

I stepped forward and pulled him into a very tight hug which he returned.

" I can't believe you kept it," I said into his chest.
I could feel his chest move a little as he chuckled.
"Of course I did, my friend made it for me" he mumbled into my hair.

As soon as he said the word friend I felt weird.
I felt happy that he considered me a friend but for some reason, I didn't like it either.

"Goodnight reg" I whispered
"Goodnight y/n" he whispered back before breaking the hug and going down the stairs to leave the
astronomy tower.


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