Part 2.17

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The door begins to open and I hear a bit of the conversation the kid was having before he opened the door.

"No it's fine I'll get it" the slytherin boy turns to look at me.

He was a relatively short kid, maybe an inch taller than me. He had blond long hair, like super blond. And he had this aura of ' I think I am better than you'.

When he saw me however he began to smirk.

"Well if it isn't little miss sunshine here to party." He said rather amused.

I have a nervous laugh "yup that's me"

"Get lost" he shouted before he began closing the door.

"Wait" I yelped as I jammed my foot into the door.

"Get your foot out of the door you filthy little-"

"Do we have a problem here" a girl said.

As she stepped into view I realized it was the girl who fell off her broom today.

When she made eye contact with me she broke out into a smile.

"If it isn't my knight in shining armor, come on in." The girl grabbed my hand and pulled my into the common room.

The boy grabbed my other arm and tried to pull me back. "But she is a gryffindor"

"So, she saved my life. And from what I hear one of our boys has a little crush on her". The girl said while raising her eyebrows.

She was a very pretty girl with long black hair and a lot of piercings. She looked like she was mostly Italian but with a hint of something else. Maybe Armenian? Doesn't matter, she was drop dead gorgeous.

"But she-" the boy began but I quickly interrupted him.

"I have drugs" I muttered.

I took my bags out and passed them to the blond boy.

"Have fun"I laughed before I allowed the girl to pull me away.

The room was full of energy with lights and loud music. It was very different from the proper demeanor the room usually had.

From the looks of it every house was here except gryffindor. Well, other than me.

"I'm delphinium by the way but you can call me Del" the girl introduced.

"I'm y/n" I said.

"Oh trust me I know, you are well known around here. Love the fit by the way. You could almost pass as a slytherin"


I was beginning to like slytherin more and more.

"Let's get you a drink" Del suggested.

I followed her over to the drinks table and she poured me a cup of what looked like fruit punch.

I took a drink and-

Jesus fucking Christ that burns like a bitch!

Coughing I asked what it was.

"It's a mix of a lot of stuff. You will definitely feel a buzz soon enough" Del explained.

And she was right, I was begging To feel a buzz.

"I think we are going to be very good friends but I think you are looking for your boy toy" Del pointed over to the couches near the fire.

"I can't just walk over...can I" I ask.

"Of course you can, let's go. I'll introduce you to my boyfriend" Del said while grabbing my hand.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now