Part 2.5

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The first quidditch practices are usually very early in the morning, sometimes before breakfast.

Usually, the early practices bothered me but that day I didn't mind since it gave me more time to think about how I could eat with the leaf in my mouth.

The whole team walked onto the quidditch pitch, the sound of squeaky boots was all that could be heard since nobody was awake enough to talk.

"Alright everyone, we are going to go over a few standard drills just to make sure everyone remembers from last season, everyone get to positions" Charlie bell, our new captain ordered.

Everyone got into their positions and waited for further instructions.

The broom Regulus had gotten me at the end of last year was fabulous. It rode so smoothly and it was significantly faster than my old broom.

We did some simple warm ups and after twenty minutes it seemed as though we hadn't taken a break from playing.

Everyone was in sink with one another, it felt wonderful.

Charlie blew his whistle for our attention.

"Alright everyone, I want to try a few things out. I want the beaters to do a dopplbeater defense towards our keeper. While doing this I want our chasers to do a standard hawks head attacking formation to try and score. Y/n, you will start with a slothgrip roll and extend into a starfish and stick maneuver. Does everyone understand." Charlie called out.

"Yes captain" we all cried out in unison.
What he was asking for sounded complex but in actuality it was very simple.

He wanted the chasers to fly in a group of three and try and score, he wanted the beaters to strike the bludger at the same time for extra speed and force all while he wanted me to dodge the bludger by hanging onto my broom upside down then reach my arm and leg out to block the quaffle.


When Charlie blew the whistle everyone started immediately.

The chasers got in formation and flew towards me and the beaters both hit the bludger.

Everyone's form was perfect but I felt a really weird feeling in my chest.

Everything was going too fast.

It's okay, it's fine, calm down.

As the bludger flew towards me I swung down and avoided it but I couldn't get myself to move at all.

I knew I was supposed to reach out and stop the quaffle but I couldn't move.

It's okay
It's okay
It's okay

The quaffle went into the hoop.

Charlie was not happy.

He made us practice over and over again until he finally gave up.

"Alright guys, good first practice. Go wash up and eat." Charlie announced with a defeated tone.

As we all walked back to the locker rooms two figures ran over to me.

"Hey y/n, what's going on" Sirius asked me before draping his arm over my shoulders.

"Yeah, you usually can stop anything coming your way. What's up with you" James chimed in.

I looked at both of them.

It hadn't really occurred to me until now that I hadn't been hanging out with the mauraders at all this year. I either hung out with lily or regulus.

I really need to get better at managing my time and friends.

"Yeah I'm just a bit rusty I guess" I said with a fake smile.

James took my response and continued walking to the changing rooms, he always tried to get to breakfast as fast as possible after early practice.

Sirius on the other hand didn't believe me.

He stopped me and turned me to look at him.

"Look, I'm no expert on traumatic sports injuries but I can tell something's up. Have you gotten on a broom at all since your accident?" Sirius questioned.

I looked at him for a second before answering.

"Yes, I have, but I haven't had a bloody bludger flying at me since then. That's what's freaking me out I guess. I don't want to get hurt again."
I couldn't look him in the eyes when saying this, I felt weak. I shouldn't be responding like this, it wasn't even that traumatic!

Sirius pulled me into a hug.

It felt nice to be hugged.

"If you need anything you can come to me okay." He said into my hair.

I nodded.

We stayed like that for a minute before Charlie came over.

He cleared his throat signaling to Sirius that he should leave.

Sirius pulled back and looked at me.

"Come sit with us at breakfast today, we miss you" he said before walking away.

After Sirius was gone I turned to look at Charlie.

This cannot be good

"Look, Charlie I'm really sor-" I began before begging cut off

"Y/n, I'm not going to lecture you. We both know that you are struggling and there isn't much you can do about it. Last season you took a pretty big hit so it makes sense that you aren't preforming to your best."

"Unfortunately I have to think about the team. So if you can't pull it together I will have to switch you out with a different keeper"

"What?" I gasped,

Charlie looked at me and sighed.

"Trust me, I don't want to do it but we have a match against ravenclaw in a month and I need everyone to be preformed at their best. Luckily you have a month to get over these.......nerves.......or whatever it is"
I couldn't believe it.

What he was saying made sense, of course you want everyone to be preforming at their best but he didn't have to be so insensitive.

I could feel tears beginning to well so I nodded to him and walked into the changing room.

What is wrong with me!

I couldn't help but cry into my robes.

I sat on the floor of the changing room crying for five minutes before I decided I needed to 'man up' and get breakfast.

So I washed my face and walked back to the castle.
What else could I do? Crying never fixed anything.

Another Way Out.  Regulus x readerWhere stories live. Discover now