Part 2.9

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It had been one month. One long and painful month with that damn leaf in my mouth. Which meant it was time for the next phase.

Regulus and I had decided to meet at exactly midnight in the astronomy tower and I was already five minutes late.

I started Sprinting down the dark and quiet halls, while trying to soften my footsteps so nobody heard me.

It only took me four minutes to reach the top of the astronomy tower's steps where I saw regulus waiting for me by the metal railing.

It was getting colder at night as fall was coming to an end, cold enough in fact that you could see my breath so clearly that it looked like I was smoking a cigarette.

"I'm so sorry I'm late again" I said out of breath from running up the stairs.
"It took me a while to find the ingredients under my bed" I chuckled slightly, lifting the bag I was holding up.

While regulus was turning around to look at me I could help but notice how amazing his hair looked in the moonlight.

The dim light made his normally black colored hair look lighter and more of a chocolate brown.
Not to mention the moons beams making a sort of halo around him.

"It's alright, as long as you came I'm happy" regulus smiled.

He is so god damn cute.

Giggling, I put the bag down and walked over to him.

I went up onto the tips of my toes while reaching my hand up.

As I was reaching up I could see regulus make a weird, almost nervous face.

I put my hand in his hair and I-

"Ow, what was that for!" Regulus winced.

In my hand was a single strand of reguluses hair.

"Oh don't be a baby reg, it was one hair" I laughed before putting the hair into one of the crystal phials in my bag.

"You know you wouldn't be saying that if I pulled your hair" regulus mumbled while rubbing the top of his head.

Rolling my eyes at his comment I walked over to an area on the terrace with a strong beam of moonlight shining onto it.

I placed the phial on the ground in the moonlight and took out a phial for me.

"Pulling out one strand of hair doesn't hurt that mu-" I began saying before a sharp pain cut me off.

"Ow" I winced, rubbing my head.

Looking over I saw regulus with a stupid shit eating grin plastered across his face.

"Did you just pull out my hair you twat" I grumbled, shooting him a glare.

"Yeah, hurts doesn't it" regulus beamed.

"You are ridiculous" I said reaching for the hair in his hand but as soon as my hand got close regulus closed it.

"Reg, give me the hair" I sighed.

"No" regulus smiled.

"Regulus, seriously. Give it to me," I exclaimed before grabbing at his shut hand. I tried prying at his hand for almost two minutes But no mater how hard I tried, his hand wouldn't open.

I started groaning after many failed attempts.

"You are infuriating," I sighed before pulling out another strand of hair from my head and putting it into a phial.

"That may be true but we both know you love it" regulus said with a cocky grin.

"Fuck you," I said, rolling my eyes and sitting on the ground.

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